fuck recording, this is the best thread ever

I`ve already forgotten the really sick stories, but here`s a recent one:
first of all, how it came to it....
my friends and myself were getting drunk as usual in somekinda pub or whatever you wanna call it... , well sometime later a band starts to play, rocknroll - western music (like tito & tarantula (from dusk till dawn strip scene...) I hope you get the point..). Needless to say, it was fuckin awesome! A few beers later I had the brilliant idea of getting a band to play at my friends house the next week (because his parents were away for a few days). I mean, like a fuckin ROCKNROLL BAND IN YOUR LIVING ROOM!!! drunk as he was he agreed!
....so the next morning I wake up, go to uni, sleep there the whole day and after that I call my friend, who plays in a rocknroll band! HAHA, of course they wanna play!
ok, so just check out the pics, I`m too lazy to write more..
(and I`m too lazy to upload the pics, so this is all you get
party on!
oh, did I mention we had 15 crates of beer...

(and it didnt last long..) + a whole lotta dope
well, anyways, we still had 3 days till his parents were back....., so we needed smth to do
drink some more beer, smoke some more dope
climb the beer mountain
do some tourist fotos with the beer mountain
play golf in the house, HAHAHAHA, best thing ever, believe me!!!
10 guys with munchies need food!
aaaand soo on... (didnt document the next 2 days, unfortunately..)
man, this thread really rules! I need a beer, cheers!