Epic drunk stories

Goat lord there are just way to many but I have the tendency to wake up at strange places, often hundreds of kilometres from where the night started, usually without any or very partial recollection of the events that led me there.

Most epic was probably waking up in another country.

Been there, done that! :lol:

On a nicer note:
I once (On Absinthe) tried to run from Göteborg to Stockholm along the traintracks, thought i'd made it and realised i'd only run 30m...?

Laughed hard to both of your stories! :D The "other country" thing NEEDS explanation, it sounds awesome.

Anyway, I can tell you one of my WORST nights out atleast... nothing super cool but it contains a lot of stupidity! The stupid part is that I had caught a cold and I still went to this party to see a bunch of friends from my recent summer job. This party was some 3-4 weeks ago. I brought a bottle of wine and a couple strong beers and stuff with me and I drank the whole bottle of wine, and then proceeded with a beer or something. We left the apartment to go out and sat down in a bar. I was very drunk but still feeling alright and I suddenly got this genious idea that I'd ask the barmaid what her name was and if it was "Micaela", I'd buy a shot of Minttu (very strong, VERY delicious booze!). Well, her name wasn't "Micaela", and when I returned to the table, I had a shot of Minttu in my hand so apparently I still bought it. That went down in my stomach smoothly and blended well with the almost a litre wine and all the other stuff that was there already... and then we left the bar because in this pussy town they close at 2 AM so we had to gtfo. Seriously, 2 AM... some towns in Sweden... jeez.

So people split up and went home and stuff but me and a friend met this dude who I knew a little from before because we had met each other at music related stuff like shows and stuff, so we went back to his place and proceeded drinking beer and stuff. Then it happened... my sick body had too much and wanted me to throw it back out. I puked 7 times that night in the guy's toilet, and then took a crap too and almost fell asleep while crapping. Man... usually I puke 2-3 times on very bad occasions but this one broke the fuckin' record. The last couple of times I was puking, there was nothing to vomit so all that came out was this slimy yellow stomach acid juice thingie... not very pleasant.

Next day, I woke up and went to audition for a death metal band! Haha =)
Most epic was probably waking up in another country.

A friend of mine once had the clever (drunken) idea of going on a trip abroad. He and his mate just took a ride to an airport, got on a flight and ended up in Austria or Switzerland (I don't remember which one it was). Now that's all and well, but after arriving there they never got further than the airport. Apparently the boys had caused some havoc somewhere along the way and got banned from entering the country and had to return on a first possible flight. Shortest vacation trip ever. :lol:

I'm trying to actively forget what I remember from my own drunken misbehaviour.
Lots and lots of tales, I can't even think of them all at once.
I must have hundreds of photos on my computer of various drinking nights in the last few nights lol.

This is me absolutely fucking wasted back in March 2008, easily the most ugly photos of myself I have:



I don't even normally dress like a metalhead, but there was close to 100 people at this party and I had never met anyone except those 2 girls and the chick hosting her 21st bday, so I figured I'd my best to fit in.
Unfortunately I didn't make the best impression drinking almost 2 liters of wine in about 30 minutes.

I don't remember either photo being taken:lol:
What I do know is that chick in the middle is absolutely fucking ugly:erk:
but chick on the far left is quite cute (but has since gained a fair bit of weight:erk:).
Me and that cute chick were having an open relationship only a few months earlier. Both of them left early, but I wanted to stay on and drink.
As with many nights, you remember a lot of the shit details, and I remember trying to make out with her again, but she kinda pushed me away.
Definitely way too wasted:erk:

Halfway through the party, Dethklok came on, I was too wasted to care about being embarrassed so I was headbanging furiously while giving the horns while everyone looked on in amazement/horror/amusement/confusion:lol:

I then drank until 8am, walked nearly an hour to get home on zero sleep, and just got home and just fell asleep instantly.
Nothing quite as spectacular here, but a few of you might get a laugh

me and some mates crashed at a friends house after a gig, some drinks were had and well, we all ran down the street in our underwear (hey it seemed a good idea :s), causing shock and horror to the old ladies who were inexplicably looking out of their kitchen windows at 5AM??? We all got back, got dressed again and continued drinking. Having had several beers and snakebites as well as ~10 shots of vodka my memory completely vanishes and i only got the rest from what i was told and from videos. I stripped down to my boxers again, ripped the hot tap off a sink, attempted to have sex with a door frame, threw up on the sofa and one of my mates pissed through the neighbours letterbox (not a seperate one, i mean through the slot in the door into the peoples house!), i somehow managed to get into my sleeping bag and passed out. When cleanup time came in the morning they picked me up in my sleeping bag and chucked me out into the rain! That was a fun night :)

And just as an aside, I am normally an average drinker, i get drunk at the same rate most guys do. However:
This one night i was working behind a bar for a wedding being run nextdoor to my house. I started the night with a glass of fruit punch and a couple of glasses of champagne, then 2 or 3 beers and another 2/3 glasses of champagne. Finally i get behind the actual bar and through the course of the rest of the night i get through around 15 more beers, 2 or 3 glasses of wine, a few more cups of punch, a reasonable sized jug of champagne that i downed in under 5 seconds, several cocktails and then finally i started doing drinking games with 3 doctors which consisted of 5 rounds of shots, the last being of baileys. Somehow, i managed to still be coherant, and i could still make cocktails.
Can someone who has some proper biology knowledge tell me how this was possible? Just 1/2 of that would normally be enough to floor me, how is it that I kept it (and my memory) together (even if it did all go to pieces when i got to bed later)?
And just as an aside, I am normally an average drinker, i get drunk at the same rate most guys do. However:
This one night i was working behind a bar for a wedding being run nextdoor to my house. I started the night with a glass of fruit punch and a couple of glasses of champagne, then 2 or 3 beers and another 2/3 glasses of champagne. Finally i get behind the actual bar and through the course of the rest of the night i get through around 15 more beers, 2 or 3 glasses of wine, a few more cups of punch, a reasonable sized jug of champagne that i downed in under 5 seconds, several cocktails and then finally i started doing drinking games with 3 doctors which consisted of 5 rounds of shots, the last being of baileys. Somehow, i managed to still be coherant, and i could still make cocktails.
Can someone who has some proper biology knowledge tell me how this was possible? Just 1/2 of that would normally be enough to floor me, how is it that I kept it (and my memory) together (even if it did all go to pieces when i got to bed later)?

HOLY SHIT. If I would drink all that, I would like die or something.
HOLY SHIT. If I would drink all that, I would like die or something.

To be honest i probably would have done if someone hadn't looked after me a few hours later for 4 hours straight. I'd only had my new memory foam mattress for a few days as well. Luckily it cleaned ok. What amazes me is that i somehow stayed sober enough to run around serving food and drinks and then behind a bar for about 13-14 hours total while i was drinking, and no-one seemed to notice i was drunk, the brides mum even kept on telling me i should have a drink i seemed to sober, the next day they all congratulated me on how great i was and gave me extra pay

maybe if i found out why it happened i could sell the information to the secret service :p
Just remembered one story of my own that I could tell...

My summerjob at the time was constant graveyard shift. I had been up about 36 hours straight when I started drinking friday night. My last memories are from 3am in a bar. Next I remember waking up, taking a leak, drinking some water and going back to bed, my guesstimate on the hour this happened is 11pm saturday night. After having a drink I went back to sleep.

Then I woke up around 7pm sunday night, and had no idea what had happened after I was in the bar. But it seemed I had slept for two days... 8pm the doorbell rang. It was my boss who had my cellphone. Apparently, I had dropped it on my mate's back yard after leaving the bar. The funny thing is, neither my mate or I have any recollection of me being there (other side of the town, some km away). My boss had tried to call me saturday as I was supposed to go to work. Some maintenance guy mowing the lawn had heard the phone ringing and had picked it up and delivered it to my boss.

Fortunately my boss was very understanding and it was my last day anyway. :) But to this day no one, me included, have any idea what happened after I got shitfaced at the local bar and before I woke up for the first time saturday night. And how the hell did my phone end up on the other side of the town...

Boring story, but there it is anyway. How I lost two days from my memory.

Of course there's the one from my friend's housewarming party involving two men (bigger and stronger than me), scissors and my underpants... But I think I'll leave it at that... :yuk:
I like this thread :)

Don't really have many to add, except one from my high school graduation night.

Went out with friends, got really drunk in a few bars near my school (which I'd gone to for like 6 years, bus there and back every day. Chatswood, for those of you in Sydney). Somehow we met up with some of our teachers who were also out. My maths teacher (and I was in the top class, the really nerdy one, there were only 2 other white people in it :D) bought me a shot or two.

Anyway, after a while I decided it was time to leave. Well I must have gone out the wrong exit so I was a bit confused as to where I was and where the bus stop was. No problem, I'll just start walking and I'll catch the bus as it passes me. Right?

Yeah well after half an hour I called my Dad to come pick me up. Bus wasn't coming, I'm not walking for the next two hours. It took another 45 minutes and 5 more phone calls (each of which were 'I'm right at the bottom of the bridge, I'll be there in 2 minutes), before he asked me to give him a street name. He put it into his GPS and lo and behold I was in Gordon. After 6 years, 5 days a week, twice a day of travelling that route I managed to go in the complete opposite direction. But then I have the worst sense of geography all the time so I guess its not that surprising :S.

edit; forgot to say, two friends did catch the bus (no idea why I didn't just go with them..), then vomited on said bus and ended up walking home anyway.
i got a new one for everybody

last night my girlfriends friend had a housewarming party...there this one dude there that was obnoxiously drunk (screaming at the top of his lungs at every shot he missed in beer pong, broke a window, almost broke the bathroom door,) needless to say we were about 2 minutes away from carrying him out.

the guy ended up passing out on a lawn chair in the backyard, me being the good fellow that i am had came up with a few bright ideas, not my ideas, there videos i saw on break.com...3 videos to be exact and i thought itd be a great idea to combine all 3 vids into 1 big trick on this guy

so we tied a rope to his right ankle which was connected to my buddys car, on the left ankle we tied a big roll of firecrackers, then buried him with every chair and blanket we could find in the house, and put a sombrero on his head...then the fun begins,

we took a vacuum cleaner and put the hose to his mouth, it obviously woke him up, then after he woke up someone else lit the fire crackers and this guy jumped up trying to run from them only to run about 5 feet and fall due to the other rope tied to him, at that point my buddy puts his car in gear and starts to pull forward (only like 5mph) and drags this guy all the way from the back of the house into the front and on the road where we untied him, parked the car, and walked back inside only to see him walking home confused as to what just happened to him.