Fucking Jager..


Nov 1, 2009
So last night, I went to a buddy's house to have a few beers. There were just a few people there and we were just playing some Call of Duty: MW2, and drinking some brewskies.

Everything was good and well until the Jager came out.
I took 1 shot of Jager, and told my buddy that was enough. I was buzzing a bit from the beer, and I planned on driving back home in a few hours.

That was the last thing I remember, and this was around 11PM. :/

The next thing I know, I'm waking up on a staircase, in another house than we were originally in, shivering cold and still plastered drunk. This was 6:30AM this morning.

Fucking Jager..
i dont get why i can hold jager so well haha
everyones jager stories seem to be along the lines of the original post yet mine are along the lines of "i drank some stuff drank some jager drank some more stuff, staggered home and crashed out" which is how i like it. you could take "drank some jager" out of that sequence of events and my night would end exactly the same way
I guess I never have had particularly cold Jager come to think of it...still, vodka's my booze of choice (with whiskey in a distant second), I can't stand sweet, syrupy liquors
You blackout with just one shot of Jager and a few beers? Damn, I wish I was that weak. It would save me so much money (and kidney).

Hahaha. I wishhh.
All I remember was taking 1 shot of Jager.

Before I left to come home I asked my friend what the fuck happened.
He grinned and said he just kept filling me with shots of Jager.

Honestly, the way I woke up really reminds me of the movie "The Hangover". FUCKING AWESOME movie if you haven't seen it.

Btw, the only other time I've ever blacked out was when me and a friend shared an entire half-gallon of Lord Calvert.

Just typing that word makes me cringe. :(
Blecchh, it's like alcoholic licorice-flavored cough syrup, fucking vile substance :yuk:

I guess I never have had particularly cold Jager come to think of it...still, vodka's my booze of choice (with whiskey in a distant second), I can't stand sweet, syrupy liquors

See I am the other way, can't stand booze that smells and tastes like I am drinking rubbing alcohol. That's why I like Jager, with whiskey being a close second, because both have a sugary taste, while whiskey is a very mild corn like sweet and jager is just over the top but both are great drinks.

My all time has to be the Jager bombs, but with Rockstar instead of Redbull. I actually poor a shot in and drink it like a beer, I can't stand chugging the thing in one gulp, I want to enjoy the damn thing.

I will say that a Jager bomb IMO is the best tasting substance on the planet, better than the vagoo!
See I am the other way, can't stand booze that smells and tastes like I am drinking rubbing alcohol. That's why I like Jager, with whiskey being a close second, because both have a sugary taste, while whiskey is a very mild corn like sweet and jager is just over the top but both are great drinks.

My all time has to be the Jager bombs, but with Rockstar instead of Redbull. I actually poor a shot in and drink it like a beer, I can't stand chugging the thing in one gulp, I want to enjoy the damn thing.

I will say that a Jager bomb IMO is the best tasting substance on the planet, better than the vagoo!

Try it with Monster or Monster Khaos, dude.. Got a Jag shot glass? (One of those cups with a shot glass built in and a cup surrounding it for the monster/chaser
Try it with Monster or Monster Khaos, dude.. Got a Jag shot glass? (One of those cups with a shot glass built in and a cup surrounding it for the monster/chaser

Can't stand monster, all of them taste like overly sweet like kids sour candies, I would much prefer rockstar and redbull

also good with mountain dew believe or not!

tried that once, I about vomited. I love mountain dew and I love Jager, but the two don;t mix very well. Jager doesn't mix with soda period. Jack Daniels and Grey Goose on the other hand, go great with coke as we all know.