The Early Members Thread

Apr 12, 2002
Istanbul, Turkey
this is the early members thread. kinda like a sanctuary where the early members of the forum can get together to see who's still active on the forum and whats going on with their lives. yesterday, the idea that i spent SIX YEARS on this forum struck me (and shit, im still going strong) and wondered what those other members i used to know were doing at the moment...i know some of them still lurk around and drop a few words when they see a thread with a topic worth talking about, so come and say whats going on in your life and how you've changed (or not) over these few years on the forum. kush, papa opeth, requiem (ben), metal broad and the rest...i know you are there!

me, i was on my first year of university when i had entered the forum...april 02. i studied naval architecture, building ships and that. for the past six months, i've been doing my military service in istanbul and will be doing so for the next six. :rolleyes:

my musical taste has expanded drastically over the used to be very much guitar-oriented, organic genres like rock n roll, metal, jazz and some alternative, but now it covers all types of electronica, jazz and all types of alternative shit, too. and i have grown to be very picky about metal, most sound the same these days to my ear.

so anyone else?
Don't know if you know me, but I've been on here quite a while myself. When I joined, I was in Mississippi doing nothing. Lots of things have happened since then, though, and I went from there to Texas to Arizona, then joined the military, wound up in California for a while, then Georgia, and now I'm overseas for the first time ever. I've been single almost my whole life, and now that I'm not, the powers that be decided that now was a good time to send me away from her... for a year. Thanks for that. -_- Besides that, it's not bad, I guess, although I'm not used to it. And this really sucks not having a guitar to play! At least I've got a mouth-harp. =P
Ooh, a private club.

When I first came here Opeth had just done their first US tour, opening for Nevermore (who knew a few years later the tables would turn). I was still in the middle of high school and it was a ripe time to find my favourite band. Skip ahead a bit and Opeth really took off with me. I went through the phases of enchantment that most close fans do. Over time my appreciation for music inevitably changed as I grew older and started to find my love of production and engineering.

After I left the moderator-hood here behind I was barely an Opeth fan. In the months (years?) since then I've spent my time finding a new appreciation for music, honing my production skills, working, and working some more. I come back to this place maybe once or twice a month, if something stirs interest. Other than that I'm a regular only on the Andy Sneap board, where we shoot all kinds of recording talk and help each other out (something lacking from many other communities on here).

Nice to see that some others pop by every now and then. This place sure has changed over the 6 and a half years I've been about.
The changes for me since I joined would be two kids and a wife..

This means I have less cash to spend on new music so the recommendations I get out here are appreciated....
I remember my first post in the Opeth forum. I was very into death metal at the time and asked for the opethrecord with least cleanvocals/most growls, this was posted during BWP-era. Some said "get MAYH" some said "get lost" haha. Since then I've been thru tons of different music and I'm always thankful for every new cool discovery, those years in the early 2000s really opened up my taste.
I think "old member" should be defined first, I'd say up to 2004 you should count as an old member...maybe? Also, is it old, like over 26? lol. In that case, I am both, woohOOooo...meh :erk:
Born in Argentina, went to New Zealand for 5 years and now live in Australia. Joined this forum when I realised that the Martins are from Uruguay, I guess in a sort of brotherhood I had to 'reprezent' (read that in the most wigger way possible) latinamerica or something like. I have been on and off this forum, but more on lately for some reason. I have checked out lots of new bands thanks to some really good advice from people with good taste in music here, for which I am thankful :).
Have seen Opeth live twice and can't wait for my third if they will truly play in about 7 months as promised in the gig. What else? I'm quite into cycling and be healthy etc, not very metal I'm afraid! Don't fit the stereotype either, but LOVE it! [metal that is] :rock:
Nice idea for a thread!

I joined in 2002, maybe half a year after I had become obsessed with Opeth. Discovering them was quite the revelation actually. They became my favourite band by far within a few months. Makes me feel a bit nostalgic now that I think of that time ;) However it was great to have this forum as a place to discuss your beloved band and music in general. Also, the SOT section of this forum always offered some arguably interesting and funny a way it's sad that it's gone now, but on the other hand maybe the official Opeth forum just isn't the right place for random chat.
Nowadays, I still visit this forum regularly. Mainly the general music chat though... I still like Opeth - but just not quite as much as I did back in 2002. I'm always searching for new bands and this forum offers a lot of interesting recommendations, discussions and reviews.

I'm still listening mostly to metal! :) I had a phase where I was listening to a lot of classic prog rock, but somehow my interest in that genre got lost completely. I don't even know why, it's weird. Today I love progressive metal like Psychotic Waltz(my fav band), Fates Warning or Devin Townsend. Also, some heavier stuff like Opeth, Meshuggah, Neurosis or Primordial.

Oh, and I started playing guitar last year! :)
Ooh, a private club.

When I first came here Opeth had just done their first US tour, opening for Nevermore (who knew a few years later the tables would turn). I was still in the middle of high school and it was a ripe time to find my favourite band. Skip ahead a bit and Opeth really took off with me. I went through the phases of enchantment that most close fans do. Over time my appreciation for music inevitably changed as I grew older and started to find my love of production and engineering.

After I left the moderator-hood here behind I was barely an Opeth fan. In the months (years?) since then I've spent my time finding a new appreciation for music, honing my production skills, working, and working some more. I come back to this place maybe once or twice a month, if something stirs interest. Other than that I'm a regular only on the Andy Sneap board, where we shoot all kinds of recording talk and help each other out (something lacking from many other communities on here).

Nice to see that some others pop by every now and then. This place sure has changed over the 6 and a half years I've been about.

long time no see, ermin. hope you are doing well with all that you are working on in the music biz. keep us posted here or on myspace.

i tried getting into the andy sneap forum for some help on recording and production but all that pro talk was too hard and technical for me to grasp right away. dang