The Economy

I've seen The Economy and they're not too bad. The drummer is mostly solid but every now and then he misses a beat. This wouldn't be a huge problem but whenever it happens, the guitarist completely loses track of everything and turns a normal skipped beat into a total catastrophe. Then the singer stops singing and starts screaming, into the mic, at both of them. Really disrupts the natural flow of things.
I've seen The Economy and they're not too bad. The drummer is mostly solid but every now and then he misses a beat. This wouldn't be a huge problem but whenever it happens, the guitarist completely loses track of everything and turns a normal skipped beat into a total catastrophe. Then the singer stops singing and starts screaming, into the mic, at both of them. Really disrupts the natural flow of things.

Bull was a pretty good album but they went downhill with Bear.
I've seen The Economy and they're not too bad. The drummer is mostly solid but every now and then he misses a beat. This wouldn't be a huge problem but whenever it happens, the guitarist completely loses track of everything and turns a normal skipped beat into a total catastrophe. Then the singer stops singing and starts screaming, into the mic, at both of them. Really disrupts the natural flow of things.


I checked at lunch and the down was down around 650 points, I read a story, and refreshed the front page, back down 730 points. I hate to see what it is now...

Nailz, I recommend you staying off the left wing, BS websites. You're not going to be standing in a soup line.:rolleyes:


No flavoricious chicken soup? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
You clearly missed the sarcasm.

Anyway, I think we're pretty much seeing the effects of a world economy collapse. And frankly, I don't think this is anything other than a market correction. For too long, American's have been spending WAY beyond their means. It was bound to catch up to us sooner or later, we're just seeing it come to a head now. People owe too many companies too much money. As soon as that debt is reduced, either by paying it back or it being forgiven, I think things will be better.

Do we ever go back to the "boom"? Well, maybe in 20 or so years... but the next 5 or so years are going to be hell. I'm over it though, as I didn't succumb to stupid housing loans, nor have I yet been a victim of layoffs or job hunts, thankfully, and pray my job will be safe through this tumultious time. I've got $2000 in credit card debt that will be paid off in 3 months, and I will be able to agressively save for the first time in my 12 year working life.

However, I know that most people are not in the same boat, and that tough times are all around. My heart goes out to them, regardless of how they ended up in that situation.
...I didn't succumb to stupid housing loans, nor have I yet been a victim of layoffs or job hunts, thankfully, and pray my job will be safe through this tumultious time.

I'm in the same boat, and I'm hoping things start evening out as far as banks are concerned, as my company relies on them for pretty much all our revenue - (we supply telephony IVR solutions for Citi, for example). If something goes under, I'm likely to be laid off while my company tries to find a new market to pitch telephony solutions.

But no need to be worrying - I can't do anything about it. As long as I can listen to great Metal music while eating flavoricious soup .. or even while dying alone in an alley .. I'll be good to go :goggly:

I checked at lunch and the down was down around 650 points, I read a story, and refreshed the front page, back down 730 points. I hate to see what it is now...

It recovered a bit after that, and was down "only" 355 or so for the day.

This has been a long time coming.

For some, the timing is nothing short of impeccable.
For too long, American's have been spending WAY beyond their means. It was bound to catch up to us sooner or later, we're just seeing it come to a head now. People owe too many companies too much money.

This is true, but I'll add something else to it. Along with Americans borrowing too much, greedy companies were handing out loans like candy on Halloween. In addition, politicians like Barney Frank and Senator Dodd were serving on the banking and finance committees and not doing their jobs regulating. The bottom line is, that politiicans pad their pockets at the expense of American citizens. Both parties have dropped the ball. With that said, I think both presidential tickets this time around are jokes. A person has to choose between the lesser of two evils. :ill:

My beliefs.

The UAW killed the auto industry.

Jennifer Granholm was too much of a coward to get rid of Kwame Kilpatrick when the whole world knew how crooked and full of shit he was.

My buddy was waiting for a particular house to come onto the market. Once it did, his bank REFUSED to give him a loan. No bank will give him a loan, because they're all now too chickenshit and want to keep everything liquid, instead of trying to rebound.

In a matter of two weeks, Dubya went from foolishly saying that our economy was strong, to saying he'll legislate BILLIONS to bail out the banks.

Michigan is no longer a place to be an engineer.
mmmmmmm I love soup!


I just saw this trailer for the film "I.O.U.S.A." If this does not frighten you, nothing will.

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It doesn't scare me at all, because I've seen the writing on the wall for some time. You can only stretch credit (or anything) so far before it snaps like an over-taught rubberband, and stings you. Fortunately, I started getting everything in order before the proverbial shit hit the fan, but I could've probably done more sooner. It would be nice to have some money in the savings account, but I pretty much emptied it out to pay off my CC debts.

I really think the USA will be fine, but it's going to take time to recover, and I really hope PEOPLE have learned their lessons, consider educating themselves on what they can and cannot afford, and take a more direct and forward approach to managing their finances.

edit: Heard on the radio this morning that AIG ex CEO's and Chairs were seen recently after the bailout wining and dining themselves and others at extremely expensive resturaunts. This is where my tax dollars went?
The bottom line is, that politiicans pad their pockets at the expense of American citizens. Both parties have dropped the ball. With that said, I think both presidential tickets this time around are jokes. A person has to choose between the lesser of two evils. :ill:


1 Month ago, I would have vehemently defended Obama. However, the closer we get to the election, the more disappointed I become with him and his campaign, which is veering more towards 'same washington politics' every day. And McCain.. I thought he'd be a fun kind of crazy, but his policies, on health care especially, frightens me to near petrification, especially since I'm an employee of the state he holds a Senate Seat for.

I am strongly considering writing in a vote for Ron Paul. Bring back fun crazy.