The Economy

WELL, considering you remembered the words "palin" "murderer" "psycho" and "eating babies" I think my job is done here :) now all I have to do is say the words together enough and i'll have successfully conditioned you :lol:
I could have a political mind too ya know <3

"the terrorists! yarg!"

I'm not a politician, i'm not looking for credibility (or a paycheck).

I remember Howard Dean screaming the latter part but when did he say the former?

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McCain could express solid support for consideration of the Fair Tax.

It would be a good buzzword at the very least, since, according to the polls, people overwhelmingly prefer "fairness" over "unfairness". :lol: (Even though the phrase "fair tax" is an oxymoron, and such a thing does not exist.)

I confess I'm curious about this. (I'm gonna guess judging from your post that you've switched to Obama.)

Interesting... I was guessing McCain, since it's sort of "fashionable" for people to like Obama in the first place.

It isn't often our alleged representatives in Congress truly listen to their constituencies -- which might be why Congress has an even lower approval rating than George W Bush, and THAT's sayin' something.
But when the people speak clearly and loudly on something, things can change.

We saw it with the immigration bill (defeated).
We saw it with the bailout bill (defeated the first time through).

The second bailout bill was railroaded through. Constituents didn't really have a chance to voice their opinions on the second plan, and Congressmen made the terrible decision of passing it because it was "better" than the original. At this point, the only indication we'll have of the constituents getting their way is if we see a dramatic turnover in Congress after this year's election. However, as mentioned above, this won't happen, despite Congress having a lower approval rating than Bush; most people seem to think it's "everyone else's" Rep that sucks. For the record, my Congressman (Dennis Kucinich) voted against the bailout both times, and it STILL doesn't get him my vote. The bailout bills were actually not socialist enough for him to support them.

WELL, considering you remembered the words "palin" "murderer" "psycho" and "eating babies" I think my job is done here :) now all I have to do is say the words together enough and i'll have successfully conditioned you :lol:

I could not find anywhere in the links you provided where it states that Palin eats babies. I think you're slipping. :lol:
But before you do, please take the time to do your homework and find out how your candidate of choice votes on the things you feel most important. Then compare that to what you hear afterwards.

I'd like to add that you should also look at WHY your candidate of choice voted the way he did. It sometimes happens that someone votes in a way that contradicts the beliefs he projects, but there happened to be something extra on the bill on which he just couldn't allow himself to say 'yes'. Granted, that person could use that as a simple excuse, while other times it could be a valid moral, ideological, or political reason -- yay politics.

Anyway, I whole-heartedly agree with you: DO YOUR OWN DIGGING!
I confess I'm curious about this. (I'm gonna guess judging from your post that you've switched to Obama.)
Interesting... I was guessing McCain, since it's sort of "fashionable" for people to like Obama in the first place.

One is right, but I will not disclose which because I do not want this to become a debate. I based my decision on what i feel is in my best interest, as each person should do. At first I was lazy and had foolishly based my early decision on what i had been fed through media and by word of mouth. I now am glad that I took the time to do some digging on my own. I'll admit that it was somewhat difficult to go in unbiased. For me, though, looking at voting patterns made it pretty easy to overlook all of the bias and spin I had previously encountered.

I'd like to add that you should also look at WHY your candidate of choice voted the way he did. It sometimes happens that someone votes in a way that contradicts the beliefs he projects, but there happened to be something extra on the bill on which he just couldn't allow himself to say 'yes'. Granted, that person could use that as a simple excuse, while other times it could be a valid moral, ideological, or political reason -- yay politics.

Granted you have to look at the amendments and add-ons to the bills. I personally think that it should be that each bill should be voted on straight-up the way it was introduced. But when you look at the votes and how they were cast, you can still see patterns for each candidate and still get a pretty good idea on which way the candidate will lean on issues.

I just want to encourage everyone to vote. Don't vote based on some Hollywood "elite" , a liberal talk show host, a teacher, your parents, or your best friend. Vote based on what is best for you as an individual. Do your homework and make the best decision for YOU.
There are reasons people vote the way they do.

1) Ideologues - about 20% of the electorate falls into this. Usually split down the middle. These are the people that will vote Dem/GOP/Green/Libertarian/Nazi/Commie even if Satan was on the ballot. They believe in the ideology
2) Activists - They usually make up another 10-20% of the electorate. They are you envelope stuffers, petition gatherers, phone bankers. They usually back a candidate, and are less hardcore about a movement than the ideologue.
3) General voters - They watch the news, they don't participate in the nuts and bolts of the campaigns. But, they go to the polls. About 10-20%
4)Sheep - They could care less. If they vote, they will vote the way their ___________(insert relation here) votes. They will go wherever the wind blows, or not go at all. They make up anywhere from 35-60% of the electorate depending on the election.

Welcome to the wonderful world of the US Electorate. As for the economy? Only the strong should survive. That's the way business is.
It would be a good buzzword at the very least, since, according to the polls, people overwhelmingly prefer "fairness" over "unfairness". :lol: (Even though the phrase "fair tax" is an oxymoron, and such a thing does not exist.)

Well, yeah, but if I'd said "nationwide consumption tax and prebate in lieu of the income, FICA and Medicare taxes," people would have gone to sleep halfway through that sentence-- oh, shit. Wake up, people! :)

Interesting... I was guessing McCain, since it's sort of "fashionable" for people to like Obama in the first place.

I was basing my guess on his "fair and balanced -- yea, right" comment. :)

Of course Faux News isn't "fair and balanced".....but they're the only national news outlet that has so much as a whisper of a conservative leaning. (I'm not counting websites or newspapers, but conservative sources there are few and far between. Anyone seen Newsweek's cover? :rolleyes: )

For the record, my Congressman (Dennis Kucinich) voted against the bailout both times, and it STILL doesn't get him my vote. The bailout bills were actually not socialist enough for him to support them.

Wow. My rep used to be Cynthia McKinney.
At the time she still seemed to be attached to Georgia like a leech.... I moved. :lol:

Dragon Klaw said:
I just want to encourage everyone to vote. Don't vote based on some Hollywood "elite" , a liberal talk show host, a teacher, your parents, or your best friend. Vote based on what is best for you as an individual. Do your homework and make the best decision for YOU.

Well, hell. You mean I shouldn't vote based on this big article on's website today (an AP article, go figure) about Justin Timberlake's endorsement of Barack Obama?

I'm lost. Bereft of direction. Lost, I tell you! :lol: