The End Has Gotten The Dvd!

doh! has the dvd for $12.73...just a little more than half the price at the end. i guess they wont have it til the official release date though...? shoulda ordered both opeth and d.t. dvds from there...could've saved like $10 or so, free shipping too.
Does a "fulfillment e-mail" necessarily mean that the DVD has shipped, or does it just mean that they have it in stock? Isn't there a chance that they're just telling you that they have received it at their warehouse, rather than telling you that they've already shipped it to you? As far as I know, it's illegal to sell and ship items before their official release date. I only ask because I'd love to order it from them, but I don't want to pay $23 instead of Amazon's $13 when I might not actually receive it any earlier. Has anyone actually received theirs yet?
god damn you people worry too much... it was only shipped on wednesday or thursday.

I'm also expecting another package from the end that was sent on monday, but post when you get yours.

Things get sold before release date alot of the time, walmart and other stores put out DVD's a few days early sometimes.
al885 said:
Things get sold before release date alot of the time, walmart and other stores put out DVD's a few days early sometimes.

I understand that. But a few days early is one thing, this is like six weeks early. Anyway, I guess I'll wait and see if anyone actually gets it early before I make my decision.
If you click for info on the dvd it says "Region 0, NTSC". I ordered it today. If I get a Pal copy, I'll return it, since I already own one of those for my computer.
meanwhile ive been waiting a mother fucking week for 4 cds from that gay ass company. what the fuck?