The Endless Feed lyrics

Somber Soul

Oct 12, 2001
For completion's sake. :) Corrections welcome.

You’re my chaos seed
I am not what you’re supposed to see

A mighty cheer
Your faith cannot be any stronger
We ….. the stage is set
… what will be …
Delirious or by design
---> not sure about "delirious" there
Not susceptible to any mind

…........... ---> the heavily distorted part where the music is actually louder than the voice
You’re my chaos seed
I am not what you’re supposed to see

I can take what’s being taken given
I can…whatever comes
---> can't get the word after "can"
I will do what you deem necessary

My fear compels me
My fear compels me
I should've said that I was doing the lyrics for the Lost to Apathy EP version of "The Endless Feed", so naturally they are shorter. I see that a few lines are different from what I heard in the remix version. Maybe new mondegreens are created. ;)
MorbidEnemy said:

You try to hide the fact that you’re from yourself
Your own feeble entertainer
Is none other than the one we call you
And you need the others to fortify your disgust
For the worst of us, to the rest of us

Entertain the thought that we are still alive
Entertain the notion of impending doom
Entertain the worst suspicions and our fears
Just pull us in and take us down

I hear a mighty cheer
Your faith cannot be any stronger
We're ready(?), the stage is set
A product of what will be fed
Oblivious, all by design
Non susceptible to any mind

I can take what’s being given
I can doubt whatever comes
I will do what you deem necessary
My fear compels me!

No more fictitious names
I will not be made a mockery
No more chaos seed
I am not what you're suppose to see

With all the signs of the danger
Everything is lost
You're the name of entertainment
We’re all doomed

I have to much time on my hands :\

is the song about the media?
My own suggestions are in italics, and in parentheses if they replace the text that comes before them.

You’re my [No more] chaos seed
I am not what you’re supposed to see

A mighty cheer
Your faith cannot be any stronger
We …..[In your head] the stage is set
…a product of... what will be …
Delirious [Oblivious] or by design
Not susceptible to any mind

You’re my [No more] chaos seed
I am not what you’re supposed to see

I can take what’s being taken given
I can… down whatever comes
I will do what you deem necessary

My fear compels me
My fear compels me
Does anyone think it would be disrespectful/in bad taste to post the lyrics to the rest of the Character songs? I'm dying to figure out the rest of the lyrics to "Through Smudged Lenses" (my fave track).

My thought is that everone here has already heard the entire album, and we're also all going to purchase it on the 25th....or the 24th for you lucky Europeans...

Opinions from the brain-trust?
r2 said:
My thought is that everone here has already heard the entire album, and we're also all going to purchase it on the 25th....or the 24th for you lucky Europeans...
Your thought is wrong though, on both accounts, but that's all fine and stuff.
Alrighty then....fantastic.

@TheFourthHorseman: actually, I'm never wrong. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
My thought is that everone here has already heard the entire album, and we're also all going to purchase it on the 25th....or the 24th for you lucky Europeans...
No, I haven't heard the entire album. I will do so when it's released. Then it will be like X-mas and birthday all rolled in one. I'm still content with the EP. It will sustain me until January, I hope. I want to let my anticipation rise. So I will simply not read the threads with the lyrics for the other songs. :)

Thanks for all the help with finding out the lyrics. Now I actually have an idea what Mikael is singing about. ;)