the energizer bunny...

No, no... Energizer. With the bunny.


Yay bunny.

Just to avoid any confusion....

One of those weird things you work out when you live in various parts of the world: The Energizer Bunny (as it's known in the US and Australia) is rebranded as the Duracell Bunny in Europe (or at least the UK and Ireland).
haha that is halarious guys, my drummer has tivo, i hope he can catch that shit and well sample it into his vkit hahaha. .

as for the DURACELL bunny :/ . . i grew up in the us, so that breaks down my concept of reality, i'm just gonna pretend i didnt hear that and go pop some pills to forget. . that is a paradigm crusher, one that i am not quite ready for. . .

this is one of the funniest threads i've seen in a while hahahaha i love this forum because we are all united from around the world by metal, audio and sometimes comedy!
According to the bible that is wikipedia - they are different. Duracell had the bunny first, and Energizer copied it as a piss take. Because the Energizer bunny is so big in the US, Duracell withdrew their bunny from the market and just left it in Europe. Energizer doesn't have their bunny in Europe as we are used to the Duracell one. Wow, thats probably now the most pointless thing i know.