Petition to Stop Calling Alexi a "bunny"

I love how people post saying "WHO THE FUCK CARES?!!!1" and then go on a big rant saying how they do care.
I agree with you DarknessEternal, even though I am a victum of what you just said. Some of us all just get carried away. Its just some people have to say why they don't care, if anyone can make sense of that.
bodomite said:
ppl sure do know how to make a big deal outa nothin. the majority of my friends here are cool but some of you need to fucking grow up.
Yea Thomas, I do agree.

I do think the bunny thing is a Instead of calling him a "Angry Rabbit", just call him a "badass". I'd like you to pick up a guitar, concentrate really hard on what you're doing, record yourself doing this and then show it to people. I bet you anything you'll make some fucked up concentration face that people will nickname. Something like "Angry Beaver" or "Constipated Badger". Some people don't even have concentration faces like myself. Us musicians that have the gift of not having one are lucky but who cares.

Stop the insanity!

Yea, I'm drunk.

NP: Into Eternity - 3 Dimensional Aperture
Calling someone bunny just sounds like somthing some cum drinking good charlotte fan would say, its just really stupid it makes me cringe I can picture a pimply 14 year old going "MR BUNNY CAN YOU PLZ SIGN MY UNDER DEVELOPED LEFT BOOB WOW THX YOU R MY GOD MR BUNNY" etc yeah it was funny for awhile but its just over played and frankly annoying , but then again who cares?


Lets refer to all bunnies as Alexies in the future, so we can drop this most infantile discussion. Idea: only respond to this if you're drunk, cause then it makes sense.

We have a female Alexi that pissed over me twice; me and Alexies have a special understandment...
But again. Allu has rabbit teeth. I don't.
And in fact, he's pretty much the only person so far to make rabbit teeth look really attractive!
You don't have rabbit teeth? How about rabbit ears? Not even a stupid, cow-like expression on your face when you clean your fur? DAMNIT!
I like bunnies...

Ps: If I had rabbit teeth I'd still be a true stud-muffin!