The extremely official Tuska 2007 thread.

Hei! :)
Tomorrow at early morning I'm leaving my St. Petersburg and I'm going to Helsinki!!! I have ticket for all three days. But I plan to party all Friday and all the night after and then a part of other days. I'd like to buy some clothes too... not every time I'm so lucky to go to Finland! :)
Well, is here somebody going Friday to the Tavastia club for the afterparty concert? XD Well I'll be very glad if you will find me there (easier said than done... there will be about 500 000 of people at Tuska %))
OMG I'm so excited. It's the first time I'm going to the such festival... but it's cool. :)

Hmm.. only 25 hours to Tuska now, and it has been raining about two days in a row here in Espoo (it's next to Helsinki)... Hopefully there'll be some boats in Tuska, so that we wouldn't have to swim all the time... But as TrashedLost said, Helsinki gonna fucking rock anyway!
Finally we're counting hours.

Weather has been really bad for the whole week and the weekend doesn't seem to be any different:



I'm off to buy a raincoat :mad:
It's been raining all week now for change

Well i work in a greenhouse so its been nicer than when sun can get up to 40 degrees if its really bad:erk: well i still dont hope it will rain there. The forecast said thunder and rain so i guess we will just have to prepare for the worst.
^^Me aint as hot then:) Well i still love Finlands summers!!! but its just pain in the ass to work in greenhouse...its slave labor for gods sake!

Viime kesänä festivaalin tulevaisuutta uhanneet kiristyneet ympäristömääräykset saatiin kumottua ja Tuska 2006 vietettiin helpottuneissa ja erittäin helteisissä tunnelmissa. Aurinko paistoi, hiekka pölisi ja monenlaiset juomat virtasivat. Kävijöitä oli viikonlopun aikana jälleen n. 33 000.

Että miitenkäs se äänirajote touhu nyt sitten onkaan?:) ku luki noin;)
^^Dunno if ill bring my camera after all...might be it gets stolen and i dont wanna owe my dad 300 euros :D well...we will see. Its got kickass recording time though
Let's just hope the weather gets a bit better tomorrow, at least for COB's gig. At least I have no regrets for not participating to SOB's pre-tuska, those dudes must be pretty wet at the moment :lol:
My plan: I go with my friend with train to Helsinki at Friday morning. Take cab to Tuska place <snip>

Umm...Tuska is very close to the railway station so I doubt you need a cab (taken that you don't drop off somewhere else before the station or be already too drunk to walk :D).


oh:O Thx!:D ill walk. Its pretty close. Nah im not too drunk to walk then yet haha XD

Yeah, you may not be very drunk when you arrive, but wait until the festival is over and you're about to leave! That 100 meters of walk will feel a little bit harder to travel then, believe me!
I would like to have some magic spells,and to come to concert today..but,i won`t come...and that makes me angry!! :S Anyway,i know that concert will be perfect! Have a nice time,guys! ;)