The Eye Of Every Storm vs. IOfTheStorm

Starcraft is the best RTS ever .
Best balance , best micromanagement . All that matters when you play those games .
I must add that C&C producing system is the crappiest ever

Now flame
The only version I had of Bomberman was a hidden game on this 3-in-1 CD-ROM for TurboGrafx


I think if you did the Sacred Contra Code you got to Bomberman. Most. Fun. EvAr.
To get this thread back on topic (very loosely speaking): Listened to all 12 minutes of the title track from the album in the subject header in a Tower listening station, got blown away, purchased album.

And those old Mario games were addictive as all hell...
Erik said:
Oh man... That just means you haven't played it enough then, or you haven't played it multiplayer. :p It RULES, and I don't know ANY game (well, Doom and Quake perhaps) that have had such a devoted following, and still has, 7 years after its release. New 3rd party mods, units and maps are CONSTANTLY being released still.

But it truly is a multiplayer game. The single player campaigns are pretty stupid/easy, and the AI in Skirmish mode is atrocious (though 3rd party AI's can help)
Well there y'go then. I couldn't stand single player (lots of walking aimlessly over bland landscapes and occasionally firing stuff at baddies I didn't really care about) but a 56k modem and the fact I am a VERY sore loser has always put me off online multiplaying for any game.
I have fond memories slowly coming back of playing Bomberman 64 with my mates YEARS ago could really get some tense shit going with the arenas flooding or walls closing in. And Mario Kart rocked, both on SNES and N64!