Well there y'go then. I couldn't stand single player (lots of walking aimlessly over bland landscapes and occasionally firing stuff at baddies I didn't really care about) but a 56k modem and the fact I am a VERY sore loser has always put me off online multiplaying for any game.Erik said:Oh man... That just means you haven't played it enough then, or you haven't played it multiplayer. It RULES, and I don't know ANY game (well, Doom and Quake perhaps) that have had such a devoted following, and still has, 7 years after its release. New 3rd party mods, units and maps are CONSTANTLY being released still.
But it truly is a multiplayer game. The single player campaigns are pretty stupid/easy, and the AI in Skirmish mode is atrocious (though 3rd party AI's can help)
NAD said:...Are you saying this thread had an actual point?