Vote: Royal Carnage 2006 March Madness Finals

Dick Sirloin said:
Goddamn I've been posting too much here lately (blame easy classes), these tournament things are making everyone gay for some reason

This next one was supposed to be complete fun, hardly any logic to it whatsoever.

Fuck it Zod, we should have just gone with the original list.
JayKeeley said:
Oh we're still bothering with that? :tickled:
LOL. You could argue that there was never much point in bothering. That said, if we continue to pull out the top 4 to 5 bands, the tournament should get less predictable every year. And if we're all still alive, in two more years, we can bring back the top 16 for a champions bracket.

Erik said:
...and now that Zod has made his intents & purposes with the poll...
And just for the record, we have a few surprised in regard to rules of the voting. It should be entertaining. And even if it's not, the fighting that ensues certainly will be.:headbang:

Erik said:
It's my favourite band, obviously I'm going to question your motives if you go "I'M NOT INCLUDING THEM BECAUSE THEY WOULD JUST WIN" but if Zod says "I'M NOT INCLUDING THEM BECAUSE THEY DO NOT FIT THE INTENTS OF THE POLL" then how could I not be fine with that

Stop presuming anything Erik. You haven't even seen the poll yet or what the parameters are.

For the record, Bathory's "Nordland II" ABSOLUTELY FITS THE INTENTS OF THE POLL because as you guessed it, it's last albums from bands in the 00's.

I (as in moi) suggested to Zod that we include Bathory and it was he who took exception and thought people would vote by default, so I asked the question on the forum knowing very well that the oompas will vote for Bathory by default. I know I was born in the night but it wasn't last night.

Yeah, god forbid you discuss something eh

Discuss? More like complain.
Erik said:
And I still wouldn't vote for it over off the top of my head uhhh, the last Primordial, the last Negurã Bunget, any number of other really great albums that's come out lately, etc.


Zod -- please preface the poll post with this quote from Erik. It's just so we can set the precendence.

now I'm being completely serious for the first time in my life. This fact is: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN OOMPA-LOOMPA*. I DO NOT HAVE A FOLLOWING ON THE FORUM THAT DOES WHAT I TELL THEM TO.

Oh yeah? Well then who do you think this is? Lars Ulrich?


They aren't mutually exclusive you know.

Like your mum's tits.

Also, Ali, do you somehow think I will take you more seriously if you keep using my first name?

Well, what would you rather? Willy?
JayKeeley said:
I (as in moi) suggested to Zod that we include Bathory and it was he who took exception and thought people would vote by default...
Yep. Well, first I was surpised. I thought all of Bathory's catalog was older than 2000. But yes, now that have a CD, that would be a concern. Though, less because of Erik's Army of Oompa Loompas, but more because that band seems to draw very specific reactions.

Eh people's deceased mother's shouldn't be the butt of any joke. With that being said, nor should people's cute girlfriends that they are googly over. Eh.
Erik said:

you know a forum is good when people have absolutely NO regard whatsoever for things that would practically lead to police involvement elsewhere

what i said is 100% true btw

police involvement? how so

just a cheap shot E, you should realize that
Let's have a good healthy "your band sucks" discussion like back in the old days