Vote: Royal Carnage 2006 March Madness Final 4

JayKeeley said:
People should just assume that ALL POSTS ON THE INTRAWEB are only our opinions by default. In other words, no disclaimers required. :tickled:

just sayin, that's what it looks like, nothing more, nothing less.
JayKeeley said:
Good for you. :kickass:

yeah. I don't care why I like a band, only that I like it. I won't judge a band by its shitty material to knock is down, only its good stuff. as I said... its a case of which band would I listen to more.
JayKeeley said:
I'd like to think that even if Metallica had quit in 1989 for good, your vote for D666 today wouldn't change.

Lol, well Im not going to turn the thread into the Ulver debate on why people vote for whom they choose. But in all honesty I guess I just cant look at it simply as Metallica's first four albums vs. D666's discography. I cant say I would have voted the same way if Metallica had all been killed in a planecrash in 89, so ehn. I havent forgot my metal roots, but at the current time I would rather listen to D666 overall over Metallica pretty much anyday, I listened to Metallica for like 7 years straight heh.
Conspicuously Absent said:
yeah. I don't care why I like a band, only that I like it. I won't judge a band by its shitty material to knock is down, only its good stuff. as I said... its a case of which band would I listen to more.

this is good stuff... in my opinion :loco:

don't get me wrong, JK, i don't want everyone to have to put disclaimers or even state that they're voicing their opinion in every post they make, but if someone looks like they're trying to imply more than an opinion, i'll treat it as such until they say otherwise. at that point, it's all good. not like i'm going to start arguing with someone over what they were trying to say, only to point out what they did in fact say
pre-edit: muahahahahhahahaha, CA 1 JK 0 :p

fake-post-edit: JK just owned me :p (probably)

@En Vind - Yeah, I just disregard all their shitty stuff, I always took this as a "which would you rather listen to" not a "which band is the most skilled/talented/best"
JayKeeley said:
It doesn't hurt at all to vote against D666 just because of how awesome those first 4 albums are. Where are we, in the twilight zone? :loco:

First 4 Metallica albums (collectively) > all D666 releases (collectively)
Well that's the thing, I fucking love D666 and listen to them a lot, but when I put, well, just about anything up against the First Four and consider how much enjoyment I've gotten out of those albums, I can't justify voting for anything over them. And it pains me to vote against D666. Pains me because I'm afraid I'll wake up one night and find KK Warslut standing over me with a knife, that fucked-up grimace stamped on his face.

DISCLAIMER: In my opinion. :rolleyes:
LIES, all said in this tournament is FACT! Even the directly contradictory statements!
Let my people go, land of Goshen
I will be with thee, bush of fire
Running red and strong down the nile
Darkness three days long, hail to fire

:kickass: for all eternity
Conspicuously Absent said:
I'd still vote for D666 if metallica had quit back then
I would have voted for Metallica. Had their tour plane went down, after the "...and Justice" tour concluded, they'd be considered the greatest Metal band of all-time (especially with the way people overrate dead musicians).

General Zod said:
I would have voted for Metallica. Had their tour plane went down, after the "...and Justice" tour concluded, they'd be considered the greatest Metal band of all-time (especially with the way people overrate dead musicians).


Very possibly, yeah.

Although the Maiden run of 5 albums would be up there too:


Taking into account the "World Slavery" tour and finally ending on the "Seventh Tour" with the ice statues coming out the stage....

It's a tough one, but otherwise, yeah, it's Metallica vs Maiden all the way (in hindsight).
I bet you 20 bucks if I'd seen them live back in the day, i'd totally be gay for them. I didn't really like behemoth's death metal stuff until i saw them live, it's weird how a good live performance can totally change your opinion.
JayKeeley said:
Although the Maiden run of 5 albums would be up there too:
In the scenario where a plane going down takes out a band at it's peek, leaving their discography flawless and their place in history unblemished, it would be QR:

The Warning
Rage for Order
Operation: Mindcrime
Empire (if we're looking for a 5 CD run)

Diverse, influential, original, awesome. And this list excludes "Promised Land", which some QR die-hards actually consider their best.

General Zod said:
In the scenario where a plane going down takes out a band at it's peek, leaving their discography flawless and their place in history unblemished, it would be QR:

The Warning
Rage for Order
Operation: Mindcrime
Empire (if we're looking for a 5 CD run)

Diverse, influential, original, awesome. And this list excludes "Promised Land", which some QR die-hards actually consider their best.


didn't we blather on about this at the bar?

it's STILL maiden > QR, btw ;)