Vote: Royal Carnage 2006 March Madness Final 4

Destroyer 666

but Sabbath's defeat pretty much fucking guarantees a victory for fucking schmaiden. oh the oompas
I dont think Destroyer 666 can pull it off this time, too many people apparently can overlook the utter atrocity that Metallica has become. Hopefully Im wrong though, they are winning currently.
Pyrus said:
Iron Maiden

It HURTS to vote against D666, but the First Four are just THAT awesome.

It doesn't hurt at all to vote against D666 just because of how awesome those first 4 albums are. Where are we, in the twilight zone? :loco:

First 4 Metallica albums (collectively) > all D666 releases (collectively)

DISCLAIMER: In my opinion. :rolleyes:
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I dont think Destroyer 666 can pull it off this time, too many people apparently can overlook the utter atrocity that Metallica has become. Hopefully Im wrong though, they are winning currently.

I'd like to think that even if Metallica had quit in 1989 for good, your vote for D666 today wouldn't change.
Demilich said:
its the way you phrase this kind of stuff that gets people (read: me) all worked up!

People should just assume that ALL POSTS ON THE INTRAWEB are only our opinions by default. In other words, no disclaimers required. :tickled: