The Farter is mad!! Lack of Anthrax updates!!!


Born To Break Wind
Feb 4, 2002
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The Farter wants to know the following:

Who is producing the album?
What label will it be on in the US?
What stage is the album in? Pre-production? Post-production?
What brand of Pork n' Beans does the band prefer in the studio?
When will Scott and Charlie join Gene and Paul and form Kiss-Thrax?
The Farter wants to know the following:

Who is producing the album?
What label will it be on in the US?
What stage is the album in? Pre-production? Post-production?
What brand of Pork n' Beans does the band prefer in the studio?
When will Scott and Charlie join Gene and Paul and form Kiss-Thrax?

There are no kosher "Pork n' beans".