The fast rollings suck in my mix


Black Metal
Sep 1, 2010

I'm currently mixing a black metal album (1st mix) and some of the fast rollings suck: the snare and toms are sort of glued together and really lack accuracy and definition.

2nd and 3rd rollings on this track are good examples: 1-02.mp3

The playing of the drummer is partially the cause of it but I still think it could sound better.
Any advice on what I could to improve these fast rollings?
Are you compressing them? If so, try raising the threshold and/or using a slower attack/faster release. This will allow more of the transient in each drum hit to pass, which will give you more definition and attack.

bring the vocals up, compress them more then pull back on the reverb a little-bit. if you are using the reverb as an insert, try creating an aux instead and mix it to taste. this will allow you to have a "dry" and 100% "wet" signal.

i think the mix has a lot of potential (for it being your 1st mix).

if you already know all of this, i apologize. :)

edit: i think the best way to get the snare more prevalent is to use a slower attack on the compressor like @cory said. ;)
If you follow the vocal advice up there, then you got a pretty damn good mix! (For BM of course :p) I didn't mind the rolls at all, thought they sounded just right.
Ok thank you guys for your inputs I'll try what you advise.

@timislegend: I indeed used the reverb as an insert and didn't know what you propose. I'll give it a try.

That's great if you think my mix is not so bad, I was kind of discouraged these days.

I'll try to post a new mix tomorrow. Cheers!
That might be a very basic question but what is the interest of using effects in fx tracks as opposed to inserts as most of the plug-ins have dry/wet faders?

I have tried your advice on the toms rollings and it sounds a bit better but that's barely noticable. What kind of settings would you recommend?
Mine are :
threshold -30db
ratio 4:1
attack 65 ms
release 50ms
