The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

I just replied to something similar to this, but anyways, Wrath Within was the first song I discovered by Bodom.
I think the first song was either Bed of Razorz or FtR... I can't remember which.

I was impressed at the melodic aspect of it. (They were the first melodic-death band I got into)
My 1st song was Follow the Reaper.
I remember putting it on my iPod and listening to it for like 2 weeks on end.
Then I forgot all about it. After a while I started listening to it again and was like "HOLY SHIT!" and then my friend lent me his HCDR, I fucking loved it!
So I start listening to everything bodom, and AYDY was a fucking masterpiece.
it was Are You Dead Yet; my sister played it and I hated it; Couple weeks later, I am a bigger fan of them than she is; but don't tell her I said that
Lake Bodom...then i was like WOW!!!! then a friend passed me needled 24/7 i was my views i really loved these songs for how..well its hard to explain the feelin haha XD
Hate Me!

Right when I heard it I decided it was the best solo ever, then I downloaded every single song they've ever made.
