The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

I was at my buddys house and he put something wild on
So whatever the first song on there is ("Deadnight Warrior" i think)
I saw a guitar cover of Are You Dead Yet on Youtube, I was watching Killing In The Name and looked at the dudes other videos. It blew me away and I was hooked from then. Next songs after that were In Your Face, Punch Me I Bleed, Bed Of Razors, Sixpounder and ANGELS DONT KILL!!!
Well I requested one song at a time at ChronixRadio and recorded it till I had the whole HCDR CD, but decided I wanted the CD for real and ordered it later. Afterwards I bought all 6 of their CD's :rock:

It was Children of decadence or everytime I die, I don't remember. But for the first bite I don't like it very much, then everithing changed. 'Bodom became one of my favourite bands :)
First song was "Children Of Bodom"
Back then I was more into way softer stuff so that was like the most brutal stuff I had evr heard. I liked it though. And I started to listen to the other songs and the more I listened to them, the more I liked them and I ended up being addicted to them! :)
Angels dont kill... really liked it, then i heard in your face and liked it too and then i bought hatebreeder and started listenin' to bodom...
First song was In Your Face, didn´t give me much at first since I was more into "sung" melody till then. But I checked the other stuff and realized that this band composes the best melodies ever. That´s how you get a die hard fan from 0 to 100.
COB. Hated it at first, mostly because I couldn't understand shit what Alu said. Got it with a guitar magazine, can't recall the name. Once I read the lyrics I understood him XP
Second song: Lake Bodom. loved it.
Then came my first album, Hatebreeder.
Then some AYDY songs, like In Your Face and AYDY.
Then HCDR album.