The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

when i bought something wild and hatebreeder back in late 1999. i listened to both records back to back for hours on end. but i remember downfall probably being the one i looked forward to the most.
My friend was deeply into them, and would always play them, but I don't remember the first one I heard exactly. The first one I remember hearing and liking was their cover of "Aces High" because it was simply a revamped, more aggressive version of the Maiden one. Eventually I got past Alexi's singing (which I love now) and bought the rest of their material
sadly, we're not gonna fall

bought are you dead yet almost instantly. then, dl'd the whole discography. loved it and eventually bought all albums
nope, the first song would technically of been deadnight warrior.

Ok you've a lot of posts and joined 2002 so I guess we'll have to believe you. So you were a kid and thought Something Wild had a cool cover art so you listened to it and liked it? Which are your favourite albums?
first song i've ever heard was needled 24/7
for unknown reasons i didn't like it at first and haven't listened to them for a year or so oO
next song I heard was triple corpse hammerblow..then I managed to get all albums and hear the shit everyday for three years now :D
The first 2 songs i heard were Needled 24/7 and their cover of Oop's i did it again... i searched them up after i heard Needled and now im hooked.. I'm seeing them live Oct. 2nd and 3rd :rock:
Living Dead Beat I guess, I heard people mentioning that the guy from CoB was an amazing guitar player on another forum, so I checked out their latest album first (Which I believe AYDY just came out). Then I decided to check out their first couple of albums, little did I know that I would be playing Hatebreeder and Follow The Reaper pretty much non stop for 2years. I was obsessed lol, mainly because I never really heard anything like it before (The whole shredding with the keyboards thing, I was mainly into In Flames when I first got into metal, so it was new and fucking awesome to me). I can definitively say CoB was a gateway to other extreme stuff for me.
Probably my 1st Foray with the Hate Crew was the video of In Your Face via my buddy's PSP and then he jacked up my MP3 player with AYDY album, after that I bought the Tokyo warhearts and Stockholm Knockout Live albums and yeah it was great especially the Tokyo Era sound, sounded straight outta the studios no overdubs and shit. Stockholm the sound mix was kinda mudded and too heavy, not that much clarity in it.:)
Needled 24/7

About your sig.. The new 69 Eyes album is an IMMENSE FAIL. I simply can't explain how it's possible to fail so hard after albums like Paris Kills, Blessed Be, Devils.. They totally fell flat on their faces. One or two nice riffs don't make up for 12 shit songs.
This was like Jan. 2002, around that... There was a filesharing program, Audio Galaxy, that was "the saviour" back in those years...and that's when I first heard "Hatebreeder" live (off Tokyo Warhearts) and "Warheart." I was amazed and hadn't heard really any Finnish style guitar virtuoso melodic death with keyboards, let alone any extreme Finnish bands, except for a couple Amorphis tracks...COB floored me. I was still getting to know more of the well known melodeath bands at the time so these guys were a real fresh listen. Sooner or later I went to my local best buy and they just happened to have "Follow The Reaper."