The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

First song i heard was oops i did it again. But the first cob song was In you face, maybe 2006 in tv some festival. I just run to watch who play that awesome music. I was shock :OMG: What i be missing?

*I must say that before I never listening to metal. I almost hate metal.
Ok you've a lot of posts and joined 2002 so I guess we'll have to believe you. So you were a kid and thought Something Wild had a cool cover art so you listened to it and liked it? Which are your favourite albums?

It wasn't until yesterday that I stumbled across this thread and recognized NFU...He's not lying, he's been a fan for that long. If you see this Joey...what's up?
The first song I heard by Children of Bodom was "In Your Face" when headbanger ball use to play it toward the end on its old time that was the only reason I use to wait at night just to see the video and to see the name of the album to buy in the future.
It wasn't until yesterday that I stumbled across this thread and recognized NFU...He's not lying, he's been a fan for that long. If you see this Joey...what's up?

I wasn't questioning him, I sincerely just asked out of interest. Everyone seems to think I always have this taste of sarcastic or nihilistic tone in whatever I say :lol: He joined in 2002 and had thousands of posts and seemed like an on-topic guy.

There's always these who turn out in 2009 and have three posts and claim they were into Bodom before Jesus was born.. but I wouldn't care if someone heard about them back in '98; if he/she didn't contribute to them as a fan then it's invalid.

I've written almost a Lord of the Rings amount of on-topic stuff on their forum, started keyboard and guitar playing because of them, partied and broken bones a lot being inspired by them, so I may call myself a fan and have the right to voice my opinion. :D
the first song i heard from Children of Bodom was In Your Face :D
the moment i heard it, i headed to Jb-Hifi and bought all there cd's ;) but ive known them for about a year... but im hooked.
I can't remember. Either lake bodom or deadnight warrior, listened to some friends album. But the first album I got myself was FTR.
at 2006 "Everytime i die" but i didn't liked then, wasn't 'till '08 that i heard bloodrunk and i started to like the band and i wanted to know the previous work of them. Now i hate bloodrunk, such an irony
A friend of mine gave me ''Follow The Reaper''.
The first song i listened was ''Taste Of My Scythe'' or ''Children Of Decadence''.
Dont know...:u-huh:
The first I heard was "Warhearts". It was a smaller company, and I let COD's music pumping as poison in my heart...
The first one I heard was Trashed, Lost, And Strungout.

I was making a flash animation and needed a heavy song and my friend recomended that song by them, at that time I never even heard them, I listened to the track and loved them ever since