The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

I'm guessing it was Deadnight Warrior since I know the first album I heard by them was Something Wild, but I can't be sure.
I think Kissing the shadows was mine. My friend showed them to me at first and I hated it for a while, but then I actually listened to Bodom for reals and Children of Decadence made me gasm. I bought stockholm knockout and then got hooked after watching the dvd.
I think the first song I heard was In Your Face, then I got the whole album, and it was my favorite...then I got ALL the albums...and now AYDY is like, my least favorite out of them all :D but once I had all the albums, I think Kissing The Shadows is what started my LOVE for CoB.
In your face was my first one too, and they sure punched me well into my face cuz my jaw dropped and I dl/d every song by them. I loved them and I bought the CD's (I always DL before I buy the real CD) and I still listen to them every hour almost.
Hate Me! (Live in Seoul 2001) 3 or 4 years ago... like a few posts before already said... first I hate it! but then I downloaded a few other songs and since them I'm addicted... Bodom 4 Ever \m/
i saw an ad in a mag about alexis brand new signature series wich definetly kicked ass, i read the band name on it and searched on youtube, so i opened the in IYF video and i was like:OMG: that dude is cool (allu)
then i kept browsing their ofiicial vids, the second one was ETID fuckind lots of headbanging... then i bought AYDY and then almost all of cobs records online...:kickass:
Somebody put something in my drink cover. But that's a cover so I think the first "real" Bodom song that I heard was Everytime I die.. still one of my favourites.
My GF made me listen to Angels don't kill and I really hated it. Then I listened to the rest of the HCDR and loved it.

Needless to say 1 month later I had every CoB cd theat was available up to that point.
Wrheart i was soo blown away, that was 6 years ago!!!!! those first 3 albums are such masterpieces, i can still listen to em everyday and never get tired of them!!!

check out melodic power/death from california!