The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

First their song I ever heard was Somebody Put Something In My Drink. I had no idea who they are, I just thought "Damn it, this song is fucking great".
Then I search them in youtube just to see what band they are. First that I found was Every Time I Die, and I fell in love.
Actually it wasn't 1 song it was 2 songs, It was my cousin playing Needled 24/7 on the drums:worship: and his best friend playing Northern Comfort on the guitar but the first let's say full song (All instruments) that I heard was Lake Bodom:kickass::flame:
Every time I die.
I instantly loved it. I now have every song they've done, and I can honestly say I like them all.
kissing the shadows. i remember the day bodom was introduced to me. my friend was doing laundry and i was helping him and he was like check out this european band. and at first i was like eh w/e. then i got home and youtubed the band and saw kissing the shadows and i was just stunned. been a fan ever since and have had the pleasure of seeing them live 2x.
In Your Face, iirc it was about 2 years ago
Then, purely by coincidence, I ended up going back through the albums (next I heard was Needled, then Bodom After Midnight, after that Bed of Razors, and finally Lake Bodom). Then I got their first four albums and heard everything else.