The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

Warheart. I hated it.

But then I downloaded 6 songs, put them onto a CD and just listened to them while getting ready for college every morning. I eventually started liking them, the first one that really stuck out was Bodom After Midnight. I then loved all the songs on that CD...Bodom After Midnight, Lake Bodom, Deadnight Warrior, Bed Of Razors, Black Widow & Hate Me!
Everytime I die. I hated it too. Then I found myself with every song they ever made not long after my friend's copy of HCDR he ordered online came in. He ripped it to my computer and I was hooked.
I didn't like them at first, i don't even remember what songs i heard. Then i heard Needled 24/7 and thought it was awesome.
I think Bed of Razors was the first song I heard. I liked it (in fact it has been my phones ringtone for over a year lol) but it wasn't until I heard the whole album that my love for COB began.
I heard Needled 24/7 and Hate Me! Initially I only enjoyed the instrumental parts of the song, and thought that the screaming was just too much and ruined it for me. After listening to it for a little while longer, I really started to like the screaming also and now they are my favorite metal band.
bed of razors. on guitar pro. i had to play it for a show and i did even tough i actually had never listened to the real song.

then my friend sent me a kissing the shadows mp3 and i got hooked too :p
My friend gave me a copy of HCDR when it first came out so the first Bodom song I've ever heard was probably Needled or Sixpounder.
First song i heard was either Black Widow,Kissing The Shadows Or Silent Night Bodom Night...i liked the song SNBN so i downloaded it...then AYDY? was released i listened to Living Dead Beat then i got all there cd's...the rest is rock n roll history ^^