The first snow.

We had a pretty amazing snowfall in the beginning of this month, thats something really rare... it was probably like 3 or 4 inches, but it was fucking great to feel/see the snow once again. Besides all of this black metal... I find certain parts of "Lunar Strain" to be excellent winter music... especially "Everlost Part II". I'm not big on melodeth, but all will cower in the shadow of Lunar Strain.
We (Southern Maryland) got our first dusting last night, about an inch or so outside. Pretty early for us considering the climate is a warm temperate. We usually dont get snow untill January and we never get much snow at that.
we got our first REAL snow as well in Connecticut, I'd post some pics but none of them would look good standing in my house or out the front door.
it snowed for the first time this year in NYC last night also ... thank you
wish for a big fucking blizzard ... love those for some reason
A week after that freakish snow here (the first like that in at least 15 years) it's been near 80 degrees every day. Sucks.
lurch70 said:
it snowed for the first time this year in NYC last night also ... thank you
wish for a big fucking blizzard ... love those for some reason
No no no...think of poor ole me trying to get in and out of Newark from Tampa. I'll be stuck in Delay City.

This morning I was out at 5:30am and I have NEVER felt cold in the windchill like I did today. I thought I was going to vomit from the pain of the chill hitting my face. It is not in my DNA makeup to exist in such cold weather. I should be in a desert somewhere living amongst bedouins. :tickled:
Yeah it's even dark at 4:30pm here, this time of year anyhow.
fotmbm said:
Sunrise 9:27
Sunset 13:46
That's nuts, I don't think I could handle that.

Hey how much of a temperature drop do you (directed at anyone willing to answer) experience between night and day? Reason I asked because when I was in NYC and it was 68ºF during the day it went to like 61ºF at night. That's really weird to me, I'm used to 85ºF days and 45ºF nights.
sooo awesome....
It's dark here at 4:00 PM and the weather is acting oddly. There was a record breaking blustery day last weekend. Like 100km/h which overturned billboards. Fun.
The university I went to was located at the bottom of a mountain, pretty near to the Cajon Pass (infamous area known for really high winds) and it was fun watching people get tossed around by 70mph gusts. The library was the biggest danger zone, right as you walked around the eastern corner heading north you could get knocked over pretty easily. Good times.
Weve got about 8 inches of snow, and are expecting 20 inches by the end of tom. Everything is shut down, and it is quite beautiful.
we got an inch or two today in dallas. not often we get anything this early in the winter. *has icy bosoms*

me liiiiike