Agalloch-The Mantle

All I have is The Mantle, OSWAP, and the split with Nest (in the mail right now). I need to pick up Pale Folklore :(

I used to think The Mantle was way too long and repeated too much... then one day it just clicked and sounded perfect, since then I've loved it a LOT!
hehe, I'm not saying it sucks at all, but the band's previous two releases eclipse it so easily. The Mantle trudges on for way too long, seeming to travel miles upon miles, but never really going very far. The instrumentals don't add to the album, whereas the instrumentals on OSWAP make that EP total class.
J. said:
hehe, I'm not saying it sucks at all, but the band's previous two releases eclipse it so easily. The Mantle trudges on for way too long, seeming to travel miles upon miles, but never really going very far. The instrumentals don't add to the album, whereas the instrumentals on OSWAP make that EP total class.

I used to think this for a long time, but then one day it all fell into place. Granted, it was probably after I saw them live, and that does make a difference....but yeah, it's my least fave of the three. The Mantle probably has the least *consistent* emotion of the three.

OSWaP was my first Agalloch CD, so I've always had a soft spot, but it's gotta be Pale Folklore for me. Pale Folklore is like having trudged through a snowy forest, along a stream bank, and then into an old wooden lodge with log fire crackling away...

PF > OSWaP > The Mantle

By the way, if you want emotion on a folk/metal album, look no further than The Omega. They recently got Songs of Moors back in.... :grin: (And that's better than anything Agalloch ever did, even Haughm would agree). :loco:
Opeth17 said:
"In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion" is one of the greatest songs of all-time.

I can actually agree with that, though I can't think of any words or formulations to describe just how good it actually is :)

On a side note; I noticed that Profound Lore (who are going to release the vinyl version) have announced yet another release; let's just hope they don't bury themselves in work turing the end result to naught :/
I don't find anything on The Mantle (or the other two) to be boring, and those odd numbered tracks are great, Hawthorne Passage is one of the most evocative instrumentals I can recall, my appreciation for it has grown after seeing photos of the area it's named for.
Demonspell said:
Hawthorne Passage is one of the most evocative instrumentals I can recall, my appreciation for it has grown after seeing photos of the area it's named for.

I've had this album for absolutely ages and I've only listened to it once or twice. I can't even remember what it's like, but I remember being unimpressed by it. I guess I'll have to listen to it 48 more times :)
The Mantle is my favorite Agalloch album by far... It took a year until it really clicked but then on it was kissy kissy land between us.

Only album to be better than that in my opinion would be a new release, hopefully incorporating all elements from post-mantle material. (The Lodge (Dismantled), Wolves of Timberline, A Fragment)
i always dismissed all the post-mantle stuff as a waste of time without hearing it and wished they'd put out a new full length. was i wrong?
Yeah, because the Grey EP ROCKS. Some say no, I say no to them, which in turn makes a double negative, and we all know that negative times negative = POSITIVE.

I have Tomorrow Never Comes and the Nest split as well, but haven't heard them.
wel, The Grey EP is only worth owning because of its limited number. Musically, it's about as good as Ashlee SImpson
We have a review up for the Grey EP, uhh, sorta. :loco:

The live version of The Lodge makes me really pissed I didn't see them in concert when I got a chance, that version is incredibly hypnotic (even with the craptastic drum tone). Have you seen Agalloch live? Did you like it? If yes, get the Grey EP. Then the mindfucked ending to Odal is really cool in a Nothing sort of way. Have you heard Nothing? Do you like Nothing? If yes, get the Grey EP.

I really can't even comprehend how an Agalloch fan would not enjoy the Grey EP, it's not "yeah this is pretty cool for me, being a fan." No, it's "HOLY FUCKING BALLS THIS IS EXTRAODRINARY AND IT TURNED THIS GROUP I REALLY LIKED INTO A GROUP I FUCKING LOVE."