AGALLOCH - The Serpent And The Sphere

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
No matter how hard I try, I can't get into the latest 2 releases. But this one will be THE BEST EVER!

1. Pale Folklore
2. Ashes Against The Grain
3. The Mantle


(the rest of all that stuff)
I'm starting to think that Faustian Echoes might be my #1. I love them all though, can't even think of a single song of theirs that I find less than stellar. When an Agalloch album finishes, I am always satisfied. When the needle lifts at the end of Faustian Echoes, I put it on again.
Love all their stuff with little to no restriction (a few parts of Ashes against the Grain still make me cringe a little but the album as a whole slays so...). They've aged well. High hopes, always.
i like the first three, of stone ep, faustian echoes. marrow and white ep are a bit of a chore. dont even get me started on grey ep
New track:

Hey does anyone have the second half of The Compendium Archive on mp3 they can chuck my way? That's the only Agalloch I haven't heard. Well I've heard most of it on the various releases they came from, I'm just curious about the two Fragment pieces plus Scars Of The Shattered Sky.

Haughm if you see this I'd totally Paypal you $10 or whatever for that.
If you mean the demonstration archive I have that shiz

but I will not willingly invoke the wrath of Haughm. That fellow is ever vigilant!
That new track is a bit of a self-parody, we'll see how it works in the grand scheme. The cover is a disappointment. Bad omens, but I'm not one to get carried away by those. The whole album will tell the tale.
well what does everyone think of that song? i sort of agree that some parts have that "unyielding momentum", but overall I enjoyed it. seems like a back to the roots sort of thing.... still extremely excited to hear it.
I enjoyed it when I heard it awhile back. They lost me with the last album, but they are poised the reel me back in with this one.
I'm not going to listen to it until I have the entire album laid bare before me.

And I found what I was looking for. Some interesting stuff contained therein.
Maybe I'll try to reunite with these blokes with this one since I am back into a Metal frame of mind right now due to ripping all my shit and rediscovering tons of kick-assery.