Agalloch "Ashes Against the Grain"

If you decide to ship internationally then you'll have to take down the free shipping and then deal with figuring out international shipping costs, insurance costs, etc..

Since it's your first time selling on Ebay I just recommend keeping it simple and straightforward.

But then again I've never sold something that I wasn't sure would sell in the American market.
Hell, just ask the kids here to make an offer and take the auction down if it suits you. Might be cheaper for you since it seems the interest is coming from non-local sources.
yeah, $100 is low.

as a constant eBay seller, it is easier just to ship within the US. shipping confirmation is only $.75 if you want that, and we have the postage computers, so no waiting in that ridiculous line or filling out customs bullshit. shipping outside the states you have to wait in line. that being said, i always get some european twat asking me to ship overseas.
This really is more of a case of "WHY DOES THIS BOX HAVE TO BE SO LARGE?!"

If I had gotten the regular edition I'd be content with it on my shelf (or technically "in my storage boxes" at the mo')
The album is quite good, and very similar to the rest of their albums. Thinking this album sucks, yet liking all the rest just doesn't make any sense. The only main difference is the ambient song at the end (which I happen to think is quite ace), and a slightly different feel from the atmosphere. It doesn't suck, by any means.
Half the time it costs more to ship to you overseas shits than what the item is worth. Unless you'd willingly pay like $20 shipping.

Yes, that is about how it went.

Only got up to close to $50 on the first auction to US only. I set the reserve for higher than that because I know what it usually sells for, and if I sell it for less then odds are it'll just be relisted for a profit.

SO I relisted, allowing foreigners, and it immediately sold to someone in Ecuador.

FOURTY DOLLARS IN SHIPPING (actually 37 after tax, the cheapest shipping option was $25 but it was untrackable and uninsurable and blah blah blah)

I did add the $20 shipping charge, though.

I'm just glad to be rid of the thing.
The album is quite good, and very similar to the rest of their albums. Thinking this album sucks, yet liking all the rest just doesn't make any sense. The only main difference is the ambient song at the end (which I happen to think is quite ace), and a slightly different feel from the atmosphere. It doesn't suck, by any means.

You lie! The bonus track is the only good thing to do with this album.

Very similar? Maybe in terms of instrumentation, themes etc (not even, imo) but quality songwriting, feeling, passion, power, awesomeness etc... this lifeless, banal album doesn't belong anywhere NEAR the two masterpieces it followed.

Meh, I know I can't resist an opportunity to bash this album, but it really was one of the biggest dissapointments offered up by such a quality metal band since Metallica started their nosedive.