whatever, use myspace then

i'm re-recording even more vocals, shit's bananas
we're a pop band or something

Even though you specifically state that you're doing more traditional rock later in the post, this statement was somehow burned in my mind when I went to listen. I expected something altogether different, something more poppy. Reminded me of Katatonia.

I was listening to the tracks and, when the second one started, my son said "please tell me there's no singing on this song". Criticism from a 7 year old. Welcome to my world. :lol:
The vocals need to be louder and straight in the forehead instead of hidden away somewhere imo tbh
this is my crippling lack of self confidence vis-a-vis my clean vocals talking through the medium of cubase sx, fwiw
Another song up on myspace, "Thin Air, Deep Grave".

this one has the "best" vocals

if you've listened to any of the songs before you should listen to them again because they're better now

anyway we released the demo and played a total desaster gig, damn deals done
I like the riffs and atmosphere alot actually! and I was about to say the vocals were weak, but I just turned on 'Thin Air...' which is very nice. Do more of that
thanks man i really love you

there are some things i can do fairly confidently with my voice and then some things i can't -- i'm just not sure which are which yet. i was very much in "this is the first time i ever attempt singing and i don't know what i should and shouldn't do" land for this recording, it just happens that thin air is just about in the range i can comfortably pull off, and set the sun ablaze is a little bit too high -- i would have redone those vocals and i'm pretty sure they could have gotten a bit better but there was no time. i'm happy with the chorus and about 50% of the verses on that one.
if anyone wants a demo (5 tracks on cd-r with a rather fancy cover) write to someone else because i can not be trusted to send things. it costs like 2 bux plus shipping.
there are some things i can do fairly confidently with my voice and then some things i can't -- i'm just not sure which are which yet. i was very much in "this is the first time i ever attempt singing and i don't know what i should and shouldn't do" land for this recording, it just happens that thin air is just about in the range i can comfortably pull off, and set the sun ablaze is a little bit too high -- i would have redone those vocals and i'm pretty sure they could have gotten a bit better but there was no time. i'm happy with the chorus and about 50% of the verses on that one.

Ah, yea its also a lot more rewarding to actually sing rather than just screaming your head off. You sound like you genuinely "feel" the songs moods and such but in "...Ablaze" you sound as if you're having air issues rather than problems with the high notes. I think you hit those notes great, but I'm referring to the trailing off. It sounds like some breathing techniques could help out a lot with it.

Singing live is way easier and fun than agonizing studio sessions. That's when the confidence problems really make themselves evident. Don't try to re-do the vocals constantly because you didn't hit the notes right and what-not. Just go with the best delivery because as long as you're feeling it, the listener will too.

singing live sucks, at least when you have to play guitar at the same time (like me) i mean i hit most of the right notes but the delivery suffers since i have the guitar to focus on too. all this shit will probably sort itself out with time and experience though

i REALLY have issues with my breathing techniques and i'm aware of this. need to use my STOMACH more! sucks that singing lessons are expensive and as far as dead broke bands go, we're up there with the best of em
A really good technique for finding the elusive diaphragm-of-steel:
1. Stand in the mirror and smile really big with your hands directly at your sides and back straight
2. Take the longest,slowest, and deepest breath you can
3. Blow all the air out slowly but with tons of force without the smile
Try that twice a day and see if it works. I've been singing for a while and it helped a bunch at first.

Also, while singing AT PRACTICE(!), don't play the guitar and just work on vox for a while. AT PRACTICE, actually push on your tum-tum whilst singing to force the air out. It's not gonna sound good...just a technique.
thanks man, i'll try that (if i can remember how to smile......................................)