okay ricky/jonte, who can explain how we went from 17 to 53 "myspace" "friends" overnight and who the fuck all these people are
"new" hit-single up on the myspace entitled Bone king & the Dustmen

Me likey. The vox are swinging on the fag stick though. Robert Smith?


why the fuck did you upload THAT

should have been "when it all comes down"
why the fuck did you upload THAT

should have been "when it all comes down"

because why not!??!
also it was jonke but whatever, TFS - laziest band on the planet should rehearse and get stuff done before i go sad!
did he tell you about the possible spelning in stockhölm btw? :cool::cool::cool:
i'm not "lazy" as such it's just that it's tough juggling at least three bands while working all the fucking time
envenomed is a lot of fun and is particularly nice because it serves as drum school and doesn't require me to do more than play drums

i mean tfs is a lot of fun too but it depends on me writing a bunch of songs and i can't write a bunch of songs all the time! but yes we are going to start rehearsing again soonish

edit: and just to cover it all, nasheim is not fun at all, it is blood, sweat and tears, but it is the single most important thing in my life, without which i would undoubtedly kill myself, so there you go
we don't really need more songs though? we probably have enough material to record a full lenght by now. but whatevs, i want a new BASSGUITAR-MACHINEOID first anyway!
we don't really need more songs though? we probably have enough material to record a full lenght by now. but whatevs, i want a new BASSGUITAR-MACHINEOID first anyway!

we need a fuckload of new songs

we only have one complete new song that is acceptable. then we have one that sucks that i refuse to ever record, one that jonke started but won't finish, one half song that i wrote that is shit that i will salvage maybe one riff from, and not much else

also we are definitely not going to use most of the old demo songs on a hypothetical full length, MAYBE two of them but probably not even
sorry that i sound like such a band dictator in that last post but it they are my songs so i decide whether i want to sing them or not ! ! !
we need a band dictator :cool: :cool: :cool:

i've been cranky all day because of no snus, now i'm happy as a crocodile again