what happened to rehearsing? no but srsly y'all, we can probably play there anytime we want, so lets
i called peter and said "CONGRATZ ON YOUR BIRTHDAY" so at least i'm a good friend unlike certayne others

but seriously of course we should rehearse.

anyway today marks the first time we did any actual songwriting in the rehearsal room so there you go

finished the "jonkesong" with some minor input by yours truly, and it's pretty KICKIN
for the record mine's in september (buy me presents)
Had no idea, sorry :( Which date exactly (so I can properly forget next time)
mike didnt congratulate me either :(

gz mike!
thx :)

Thanks :)

thank you :)

(btw Johanna's birthday was 23 february so hurry up and congratulate her too while we're at it in this here general Umeå chatting thread with minor focus on half the topic)

EDIT btw met Emil at SCHTAAN today, I was gonna set up rehearsal time and shit but he was in a hurry and works 'til midnight so I'll call him tomorrow and aim for saturday at fourteen hundred hours or so. Sounds good?