the forum members you have met, and your opinion of them

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
It was Ormir´s idea. He shall take all the fame, I take the blame.
Really, subject line tells it all.
Try to be honest and but by saying this I don´t courage you into a war. It´s raw. And it is morning now.

Side-note: My NF thread is invincible
It was 11.7-03, cold night and I knew this would be mit sista vinter.
Ormir phoned me at tuska and told where to find him.
After a search with my friend I finally saw weird looking guy and a girl with brown hair leaning to security fence.
Politely Ormir grapped my hand and shaked it (it was a firm squeeze).
And I believe I shaked hands with Zjussa too, I can´t remember (I was so..excited).
After a introduction of my friend to these to maniacs and a chat, Ormir took me to see Hearse and Zeanra. There was photoshooting and smoking.
My opinion of

-Found out to be little bit stoned
-couldn´t understand my speech but it´s alright because noone can
-gentleman, even offered me and my pal some booze.
-seemed to be mocking my earplugs with somekind of referance to analplugs :)
-used me as bulldozer to get through the crowd
-had some serious problems with my style to mix swedish nej to no and some other "my style" words such as really.
-made feel honourable
-overall is really positive

-took some fine tasting booze from Hungary
-owns some bad habits like smoking :)
-seemed like she couldn´t really tell "what the hell he is now saying"
-by the little of what we talked I was left with the positive impression

-Looked like little bit fading away
-Photo satan
-positive hiv? :p

-seemed to know me and rushed "oh realhazard, is it you?"
-photo satan but more good looking than Hearse
(and that is my opinion :) )
-Positive by that little time..though I don´t think I would have died If I had talked with Hearse and Zeanre little bit more. Or with Zjussa.
Don´t know about Ormir :)

EDIT: i am sorry for the grammatical errors, i am sleepy.
Alphabetically :p

Downfall: Looked exactly like he does in the one picture I've seen of him, even the way the wind made his hair look, this is something I remember thinking, heheh. He drank my fish wine.

Hearse: A man of amazing finger dexterity, a great cigarette patron, and with the right attitude towards life. :p There's something funny about the man that puts one in a good mood, heheh.

manuelgv: He was kind enough to lead me and Zsuzsa to the Thales/Farmakon group when we lost our way, very friendly seeming guy. I'm pretty sure he drank fish wine.

nevershine: He might have drunk my fish wine.

ougadagouga: Friendly seeming, and pretty girl. ;)

Rappion Lapsi: Martti, a man I experienced drunk male bonding with for god knows how long... He had extremely delicious salmiakki-flavoured booze, and I helped myself to most of it, heheh. Our views on women and other philosophical topics seem to match. ;p

RealHazard: He must have made an excellent choirboy in another life. As Lasse thought, he seemed so innocent in life it's hard to imagine him as the degenerate we all know ;) I might have got confused by this, and said some things which I shouldn't have :p Good company, shame we didn't get to talk more.

Windompearl: He drank my fish wine, dressed like a hippy. :p

Zeanra: A very kind, pretty, intelligent person, only confirmed during my brief meeting.

Zsuzsa: An eternal chaser of dreams, and determined enough to catch them. ;) (she might also have drunk my fish wine, although I'm not making any guarantees)
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Ok, first time here...

I have saw only Ormir from DTs forum, he was nice, and drunk, and drinked most of my booze :Smug: Well, great dude anyway!

Zsuzsa was also very nice, and **** :cool:

I've met also BurningAngel, Snapsitap, Villilapsi and Angelic Anna.
Zeanra: I dont remember even shaking hands with her, there were so many ppl around :p But she was very pretty, it's a shame we couldnt talk a lil'. :erk:

RealHazard: well well, just imagine a wolf in a sheep skin and you get this innoscent looking boy :p He's right, I didnt really understand what he said but we took a photo, drank booze...who the hell cares about talking? :lol: (btw, what about that photo? wanna see it :Spin: )

Rappion Lapsi: haha, another finn with a lack of english knowladge, but he was drunk also, so it's pretty understandable :p Martti and Sami seemed to get along pretty well (might be coz the booze? who knows ;)) anyhow, it was quite a luck that I noticed Rappio, we just sat on the grass with Sami and when I looked into one direction this "Rappio-looking-guy" stood there :p What else to, thx for the "nice ass" comment heh

Hearse: :D King of Wankers, Lord of All Wigs and other Flufeh Things :lol: Lasse wasnt exactly how I imagined him...he has longer fingers :lol: Seriously, great guy with musical talent (where's my payment for this? :D ), nasty humour and a caring heart when it comes to it. O yeah, and he likes teh sandwich! :lol:

Ormir: Sami; my host, my naughty men-love humour partner, my friend. He got the chance to know me in these 2 weeks, maybe too well...but I hope he's stubborn enough to stay. We had fun, sorrow,laugh and bad time aswell 2gether, and "she wont live happily ever after". She'll go back :)
The only thing he should learn is how to ask for directions and he'd easily survive anywhere :lol:
This is so.... u__u,,

Zsuzsa: would like to drink Koskenkorva.
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I went to Mexico City once and met manuelgv, Tristessa, and Thanatos... when I got there they were already waiting together, I hadn't seen photos of Tristessa or Manuel but I recognised them because of Thanatos' hair

they had the annoying southerner accent :heh:, but they were really nice ... we went out for pizza and then to a cafe (our meeting only lasted like 3 hrs during the day)

Tristessa: a bit quiet at first, but for our next meeting we'll get a chance to talk more

Manuel: totally romantic, with flowers and all, he was our guide for the city :p
he was the most talkative one I think

Thanatos: he had claimed he was all gloomy and grim but not really, just very nice... he needs a little practice on learning how to take photos, but other than that he's almost perfect

it was a great experience :D
Alfred: He was a bit different than i thought at first, but after a while everything was back to normal, i knew it was the italian i had been talking to for so long. :D
We watched the DT gig together (he missed half of it :(), went to dinner with Mel, then met the band and had drinks with them. I owe him one, because he pushed me to talk to the guys, i had a great time thanks to him. ;)
All in all, a wonderful person. :)

Melancholia: Met her twice. First time, while waiting to get in the venue for the DT gig, we recognized each other instinctively. :D We watched the whole gig together, she was nice enough to put up with me during the whole show. :p As you read above, we went to dinner after the gig, and that was the end of the first time.
The second time i met her, along with FatherVic. We went for coffee, we all had milkshakes :)p), and kept talking for like 3 hours.
She's a very nice person, a sweet girl, and imo prettier than in the photos. ;)

FatherVic: Met him the second time i met Mel. Very talkative, perhaps because he doesn't have many people here that he can talk to. :D Very expressive too while talking, i'd say he seems to be the enthusiastic kind of person.
To sum it up, very nice company and real fun to talk to. :)
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I haven't met anyone from the DT forum, bu I have met one person fro the In Flames forum... nad I also got my brother and one friend to sign up for UM and post :D

The one person I met was Snow Lie Ash, and he was a nice guy, but I only tlaked to him for ten or fifteen minutes, then I made my way up to the front of the crowd. He was a nice guy, but we didn't have much to talk about...

I haven't actually met anyone on UM either. My brother posts on UM though.

The reunions sound great though.
The band-members aside, I believe I have met only Tranquillian (AtTheGates by that time) and Phyre of the people here.

To describe each of them with one word (as I'm too tired to write more):

Tranquillian: Great (as in huge ;))
Phyre: Cool (as in not-too-hot :p)

-Villain (small and sweaty - what kind of Finnish summer is this when we have almost 30 degrees Celcius at night? :bah:...)
I've met four people from in here :) I'll take it in chronological order....

sooooo,first i met FatherVic back in May 2002 in Barcelona...went there exclusively for him actually,for he had already stolen my heart at that time :) i was sooooooo nervous,nervous,nervous,nervous during the whole flight,3 hours seemed like an eternity and i nearly died from stress when i arrived and from happiness when i actually saw him and squeezed him in my embrace :) it was :hotjump: and i still remember it and still feel nervous and superexcited and happy about it!! well,FV is a wonderful person and hopefully now i have the honour to "meet" him every single day :)

In this first trip to Spain i also met the robot of the forums, Ingenius that is... well,actually we didn't say so much cause my spanish was nonexistent back then and he seemed quite nervous when he spoke english,but despite these difficulties meeting the robot was a pleasure,he looks gentle and a good person...I'm eager to meet him again this October and have a gofre :)

I've also met Siren :wave: ,the tiny Lady,twice as she has already mentioned...She is a very pleasant,polite and interesting person. It was wonderful both times and i'm glad she put up with my unstoppable talking the second time :)
The first time i met Sirinoula,i also met Alfred, the italian dragon. Imho he is a real gentleman :) he knows why i'm saying this ;)
It was great to meet him and it would be a plasure to meet him again.

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Steve420 said:
I haven't met anyone from the DT forum, bu I have met one person fro the In Flames forum... nad I also got my brother and one friend to sign up for UM and post :D

The one person I met was Snow Lie Ash, and he was a nice guy, but I only tlaked to him for ten or fifteen minutes, then I made my way up to the front of the crowd. He was a nice guy, but we didn't have much to talk about...

I probably could meet you, since we're in the same damn state. :) But I'ld really like to meet some people from this forum. If anyone ever thinks there coming by here, be sure to let me know. :)
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i haven't met any online person yet, and i think it will surely be a very strange experience. but one day i'll try that as well :) maybe next year @ wacken ;)
most of my nowadays friends are ONLINE friends and have become not ONLINE friends back when i lived in Spain (we had a meeting of 70 people from the metal channels on IRC!!!)

From the forums is a bit harder since the scope is much more international, thus much farther...
I'd love to meet many of you (mainly the oldies) but i don't have the money/time to go to germany, finland, sweden, italy, usa, mexico, blah, blah, blah!

Now, for the ones I've met...uhmmm let's see...

Melancholia well she explained herself...she came to Spain and it was was so amazing in fact that I went to Greece in july (she had come in may) , i went again to greece in August, then she came in September, I went in November and she came in december.
So after so much planes and stuff i decided to move finally to greece last february and now it's 5 months that we're living I can say that I...err...have met her quite a bit :p

|ngenious: well actually I knew him much before the forums. He is one of those NetFriends who became normal friends...

Siren as also she explained, I had the pleasure to meet Siren enjoying a great milkshake in a cafeteria of Athens. The beggining was a bit difficult because we were silent but when I sat and started to drink my vanilla milkshake we started talking...for 3!!! was a very nice evening and she's a great girl to talk to!

Teddy_Bear He posted very few times in the old times...also a friend from Barcelona who stopped posting because this wasn't as quick as IRC

Khristoff guy from the Asgaroth forum who accidentally is also Asgaroth's singer and who relied (foolishly) on me to make their website he he he

Oh! and also I've met some guys who sometimes post here...Hedon, Zodijackyl, Oav and warwick but that they're not that ehmm known here :loco:

Aside from the people who mentioned me above, I also met a very nice forum member who, unfortunately, doesn't post here any longer. :( She was nicknamed as Atlantis here, and she's an italian girl who seemed quite sponteaneous, charming and, overall, constantly grateful with me because of my (not that extreme, imo) attentions. It was my pleasure to meet her, actually, a very, very nice person she is. The spanishtalian we spoke was quite confusing, though. :)

okay, my turn :p

Ormir: Sami is a great guy :D very fun to hang out with. he's not what i thought he'd be like, he's a lot funnier and nicer in real life. he was very drunk when i first saw him though :lol: but we hung out together the next day. he had a horrible hangover and i was tired because i had slept for like 2 hours. but still we had fun..or at least i did.
he's the best person to make up new vammas with :lol: *has ujousvamma* :$
he's obsessed with Lasse. he keeps talking about him all the time, which is scary.
he kept saying that i'm a "guygirl" :p since i wear guy-ish clothes and walk with my hands in my pockets and stuff. it's true though, i am guyish.
he complimented me a lot, which was cute :p
and i'm sure he'll be a photographer when he grows up :lol: he went crazy with my digicam. he wanted to take one pic of me, and he ended up taking 32 pics. "there, stay like that, you look cute now" :lol:
hmm..what else. i forgot what i was going to say.
but anyway, he's a very nice guy :p and cute too. Sami saa 5- /5 Davidiä :lol:
(whoa, long story)

Hearse: hmm..he was a lot nicer than i thought :p and more calm. and i can't think of anything to say about him :p he's adorable.

Ouagadougou: she's a really nice girl :) she's great to listen to music with, especially when we're drunk :lol: