The Foul Odor Thread

I used to keep some raw meet in my mini-fridge's freezer in my old apartment. One time I left for the holidays and unplugged my fridge so it wouldn't use electricity. My fridge was empty, but needless to say I forgot about all my meat in the freezer (I rarely cooked anymore because my girlfriend did it most of the time). When I got back to my apartment about a month later, I left my fridge unplugged for a while because I'd moved all my food into our common fridge and decided to just use that. So my raw meet was left sitting in the freezer (which, though it wasn't working, still hid the growing smell).

At some point I plugged the fridge in again for some reason (I think to store beer). Anyway, when the time came to move out I opened the freezer to find the frozen carcasses of maggots and flies all over the fucking place, and realized I'd forgotton about the meat.

I had to clean out that fucking freezer, and it was the worst thing I've ever smelled. At one point I tried to pull out one of the wrapped packages of meat, and the plastic just melted in my hand. After washing like five times I could still smell it on my fingers.


That is indeed epic and sickening at the same time.
So I have a friend who has a hunting cabin out in the middle of fucking no where... they have a shed in the back...

They were using this shed to temporarily store deer they had killed... in an old cast iron bathtub, no less...

Well... they apparently forgot about one of the deer... for over a year.
This is about the timeframe I got invited over for a party. Someone stumbles into the shed and starts throwing up... he then proceeds to compose himself and dump the tub over... spilling liquified rot everywhere.

Nice thread. Forgetting about a dead deer is a classic.
But how do you completely forget about a deer? A lot of hunters may only get 1 a year, so I don't see how you can forget you have it. It's not like forgetting a's a 400-500 lb fucking beast you shot in the heart.

anyways, i was once kissing a girl's ass and it smelled like shit.
The actual worst thing I ever smelled was when I was backpacking in New Mexico. I don't actually know what it was but one section of the trail we were on smelled like death. I assume it was a dead animal of some kind.
The smell of death is fucking terrible. Especially human corpses. That was a true story in my op, and it was nauseating.

There was one time when I was mowing Park 'n' Rides when we picked up this bag laying in the parking lot. I lifted it and noticed it was full of something mooshy, so I looked in. A dead raccoon and a dead baby raccoon...I was sad and it smelled fucking I flung it at this mexican dude I worked with who never lol'd. He was mad, but he smirked a day or two later over it.
But how do you completely forget about a deer? A lot of hunters may only get 1 a year, so I don't see how you can forget you have it. It's not like forgetting a's a 400-500 lb fucking beast you shot in the heart.

In West Virginia... people pretty much execute deer like squirrels. I know a guy that kills 6+ every year.
In West Virginia... people pretty much execute deer like squirrels. I know a guy that kills 6+ every year.

Well that's kind of fucked. 1 deer has enough meat for a friggin' year. My great uncle hunts a lot and he has to give meat away to my grandpa and his other brother because he's got too much after 1.

Worst smell ever for me was the stench of what came out of my mates stomach when he ate rat poison, man that was fucking shit, mix of booze, old kfc, blood, rat poison and god knows what else being vomited on you while you wait for an ambulance, the stench was unbelievable. Thank god I didn’t have to do mouth to mouth!