I used to deliver for Pizza Hut, years ago. Back in their "dish washing" area -- which was set up for an operation that dealt more in dipping oil-caked pans in a disgusting mixture of greasy soap-water and sanitizer chemicals than anything resembling "washing" -- there was a sort of grease trap below the sink. Apparently this particular Pizza Hut location had gone something like 13 years without ever having cleaned out the fucking thing. So one day, like The Blob emerging from the depths below, out of the grill of this thing comes this vile orange ooze. A thick, foul mixture of all the grease, fat, oil, and general rancid shit left behind in these pans and rinsed down the drain over more than a dozen fucking years, finally erupting from the floor like a force of wretched malice laying dormant come to seek vengeance on our nostrils.
Suffice to say, the management had no place but to close the place early for the day. You know the mutagen from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Some turtles came into contact with that shit, they would not have grown up to become a bunch of pizza-loving dudes. Shredder and Krang would have ruled the universe while the Turtles sought their vengeance on the infernal Pizza Hut corporation for so brutally offending their sense of smell.