The foulest night I had to contend with in quite some time!!!

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
So Climb Thar Hill and I motioned forward through the lonely streets that lay in this land known as the City of Angels. We trekked forward with visions of sugar plumbs dancing in our heads and nocturnal emissions of metal grandeur flowing through our devilish vas deferens. Such optimistic hopes were soon trampled by the wrath of the parasitic protozoa known as the "trend whore".

We arrived to the Wiltern with Speedway Stout coarsing through our viking veins, and the hope for a quick 1 hour block of music, that would be followed by an even speedier exit. Needless to say our ambitions were quelled by white filth who suckle their mommy's and daddy's teet for nourishment.

I simply was disgusted by the filth that ravaged my sanctuary. God damnit to motherfucking hell! It was as if I was at a fucking slipknot gig. Did I accidentaly step in to the Jagermeister tour or was I here to see a Gojira/Amon Amarth gig?!?! Faggamuffins dawning P.O.D ponchos and Slipknot Sombreros. Cocksmooshers "jumping da fuck up" and bouncing their head in an MTVactular act of self expression. Oh I need a shower!! Irish Spring this layer of dead skin cells off my body at once! Chlamydia knocks on my door!

Seriously is Los Angeles the only city that witnesses a turnout of absolute scum to every God damn metal show that takes place between this valley of unbridaled vomitory inducing cess? Am I the only one here who has walked out of a gig feeling ashamed about listening to heavy metal due to the swine that it attracts?!?!

After Gojira played an excellent set, we journeyed to the bar to grab ourselves a quick brew as the Amon Amarth's lackeys sat up the equipment. As we walked towards the stage, we were guided to a spot by security that was an absolute clusterfuck of humanity. 30 secs in I look to my left and Climb Thar is getting into it with some faggot Laguna Beach surfer prick over the proximity of his nether regions in relation to his cornhole. No joke he was fucking Climb Thar doggystyle.

Climb Thar: Would you mind moving back two inches bub?

Douchebag: No man I was here first.

Climb Thar: Just two inches thats all I ask ?<nudges an elbow in there>

Douchebag: Hey man I'm not moving, I was here first.

It was at this time that his lover interjected himself in the mix to stand by his "man". I in turn say, "Hey bro, can he not move back two fucking inches, is that too much to ask?"

Climb Thar was giving the guy a free fucking lap dance. It was downright ghastly.

To make a long story short and get to the moral without boring everyone to tears... Fuck trendwhoring faggots who come in to your living room, fuck your wife, shit in your sink, beat your dog for being insolent towards being commanded to roll over, and then take a candid shot of themselves wearing your daughter's sweater. Fucking Bullshit. I fucking seriously wish Climb Thar would have popped this lilly liver cocksmoking shebanshee in the mush. Amon Amarth is simply ruined for me from this day forward. If I listen to their music all I will associate with it is the lowest common denominator of humanity. Alexi Laiho can suck a fucking shlong! Gojira rocks my socks, and I thank Odin that these fucking Kornholes were not jumping da fuck up to their tunes, as I would have wept the biggest sorrowfilled sigh of my existence had it been the case!!!


P.S BEER! :kickass:
Speedway Stout is in my top3 of all-time. Just a utter fucking MASTERPIECE.

Btw, I had the Oaked Speedway Stout the other night. You cant buy that shit. One of, if not the best, beers I have ever had in my fucking life. Also, had a Darklord and Westy 12, nevermind about 40-50 other brews.
Fuck trendwhoring faggots who come in to your living room, fuck your wife, shit in your sink, beat your dog for being insolent towards being commanded to roll over, and then take a candid shot of themselves wearing your daughter's sweater.

That Speedway Stout was quite delicious. It is in no way a chugging brew, as my attempts of doing so left my stomach slightly unsettled. What it is, is a nice full flavored choco/coffee kick in the palatte that took me to .004 (half way there), which was the perfect segue to the Sierra Nevada I followed it up with. 12 fucking percent folks! While you can taste the alcohol, it is by no means a rough swallow. Stuff is apparently caffeinated for us boozer's who need a kick on the go.
Fuck trendwhoring faggots who come in to your living room, fuck your wife, shit in your sink, beat your dog for being insolent towards being commanded to roll over, and then take a candid shot of themselves wearing your daughter's sweater. Fucking Bullshit. I fucking seriously wish Climb Thar would have popped this lilly liver cocksmoking shebanshee in the mush. Amon Amarth is simply ruined for me from this day forward. If I listen to their music all I will associate with it is the lowest common denominator of humanity. Alexi Laiho can suck a fucking shlong! Gojira rocks my socks, and I thank Odin that these fucking Kornholes were not jumping da fuck up to their tunes, as I would have wept the biggest sorrowfilled sigh of my existence had it been the case!!!


P.S BEER! :kickass:

6 stars!
hahah ... RIA, you're a fucking great show reviewer

Gojira rocks my socks, and I thank Odin that these fucking Kornholes were not jumping da fuck up to their tunes

so did anyone there even remotely know who they were?

man, can't wait for next Sunday :kickass:
Last night was fucking stupid. Gojira put on a damn good show as did Amon Amarth. The crowd was full of tards and I wish I had decked that one queer who was trying to make sweet love to my nether regions.
hahah ... RIA, you're a fucking great show reviewer

so did anyone there even remotely know who they were?
man, can't wait for next Sunday :kickass:

No, nobody knew who the fuck they were. At one point I estatically yelped "Flying Whales" which had one or two facial bandana dawning bodom barons giving me a "wtf" look. During "Remembrance" I heard one Laihomo start a "Bodom" chant, and not too long after that I heard a couple "Boring Boring" comments that momentarily pissed on my parade. I swear to fuck, that I'm never going to a gig that is headline by a cunt band again. Atleast a dozen maggots in slipknot apparel, "If you're 555, then I just 69ed your sister." And countless other dillweeds who you would typically see at Ozzfest, sXe hardcore games, and the local skateboard shop getting trucks for their new board.

well I hope the NYC show will be a bit different ... at least there are 4-5 of us going that are Gojira fans ... will make sure to represent :kickass: