1. Would you rather have a fun job that doesn't pay well or a boring job that does?
My job is fun and boring at various times. Pays well though. I'm not sure how to answer that. I get plenty of time to post on this forum and noodle on my guitar - I guess that qualifies this job as fun and well paying and this job should be disqualified from consideration. I guess that leaves me with fun to choose, regardless of pay.
2. Would you sacrifice your morals for a job?
3. Would you ever take a job that requires you to be in costume?
Depends on the costume - 3-piece suit, yes; chicken dancing on Main Street, no.
4. What is your fantasy job?
Brewmaster at a very successful brewpub. Or one that lets me keep a guitar in my office.
5. Would you like fries with that?
Red Robin, yes; fast food, no.