The Friday Five

1. Would you rather have a fun job that doesn't pay well or a boring job that does?
A fun job. Life's ever so much more tolerable when you enjoy what you do.
2. Would you sacrifice your morals for a job?
3. Would you ever take a job that requires you to be in costume?
Not at my age.
4. What is your fantasy job?
Already have it. :)
5. Would you like fries with that?
No thanks, do you know how many calories are in fries? *boggle*
1. Would you rather have a fun job that doesn't pay well or a boring job that does?
Fun Job

2. Would you sacrifice your morals for a job?

3. Would you ever take a job that requires you to be in costume?
Depends. Star Trek ( lol ), Knights... etc yes - Suit&Tie or Faeries... No.

4. What is your fantasy job?
Astronaut, Explorer, or Musician. Or all 3.

5. Would you like fries with that?
I would like beer with that.
1. Would you rather have a fun job that doesn't pay well or a boring job that does?
2. Would you sacrifice your morals for a job?
3. Would you ever take a job that requires you to be in costume?
4. What is your fantasy job?
5. Would you like fries with that?

1. Fun job, definitely.
2. No chance in hell.
3. It depends what kind, if I gotta be dressed as a Viking or something then yeah.
4. Being in a kickass band that makes enough money by itself so I don't need to work a job on the side.
5. No, I hate fries. Side salad FTW.
This week's Five, a few hours early..

1. How far back can you trace your family tree?

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?
This week's Five, a few hours early..

1. How far back can you trace your family tree?

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?

its friday here in aussieland, so not early, haha!!!

1. probably to the mid 1600's in england. the family tree books though, only go back to when the ancestors made the trek to australia, and only touch on anything prior to that.
2. one of my brothers looks like ned kelly (infamous aussie bushranger)... look out queenslanders coz thats where he apparently lives now...
3. legacy names should be banned!!!!! my ex hubby has the same name as his dad, so everyone in their family calls him bub, or bubbie or bubba... how stupid and demeaning is that to an adult male!!!!
4. oh hell no
5. had to consult the kid about that one... she says my insanity!!! but really, the only thing she could come up with is balloons everywhere on christmas morning.
1. How far back can you trace your family tree?
Pretty far, someone traced it all the way back to when they were roaming the scottish highlands warring with rival tribes as bloodthirsty, kilt-wearing braveheart-like savages... (It's very interesting!)

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?
That one was a Welsh Knight, and another was a Chef to a French King...

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?
It's kinda cool, very epic... :lol:

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?
Not really, we've got some sorta traditions, but nothing crazy...

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?
METAL!!! :rock: When I have kids, they're gonna be brought up on Dream Theater and Steve Vai... :D
This week's Five, a few hours early..

1. How far back can you trace your family tree?

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?
1. I think about 5 or so generations. I've never bothered to do too much research. I know that my ancestors from 5 generations ago escaped from Europe literally at the dawn of the Third Reich, but that's as much as I know.
2. One was a boxer, one was a gay artist who killed himself, one was the god that ruled over Atlantis.
3. Jewish families don't do that kind of stuff.
4. Nooooo......
5. Well I plan on trying to make music an ongoing tradition in my family, I don't know if it'll follow through, but it would be pretty sweet to start a family tradition.
This week's Five, a few hours early..

1. How far back can you trace your family tree?

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?
1. My great grandmother... maybe?
2. My brother has met quite a few famous guitarists. That's about it.
3. It's an interesting concept. I'd like to name my kid Tubbs Mcgee Jr...
4. Definitely not.
5. I hope they'll turn out to be musicians and listen to music the way I do.
This week's Five, a few hours early..

1. How far back can you trace your family tree?

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?

1. Waaay back. I don't even know.
2. My Italian side is/was head of one of the mobs in Italy.
3. Don't care.
4. No, alot the later gen of my family move around alot for the military.
5. Can't think of anything..
1. How far back can you trace your family tree?
Only about 2-3 generations. My ancestors were slaves from India who were shipped to what was formerly British Guiana (now Guyana, in South America--so I look Indian but I'm not), so we don't have any records or other forms of paperwork of anyone in our family.

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?
Haha, my family is boring.

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?
I think it's unoriginal and a bit pretentious.

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?
Sort of.

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?
How to cook our yummy food :)
This week's Five, a few hours early..

1. How far back can you trace your family tree?

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?

1) To the New England area dating back to to the mid-late 1600's. First off the boat to set foot here shares my name! :rock:

2) All of us got heavily into the slave trade way back when. Reading the wills of some of my ancestors has been entertaining, one pig, one horse, one shovel, etc etc.

3) WHatever floats your boat........

4) Mostly, but not completely....

5) N/A

1. How far back can you trace your family tree?

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?

1. Back to 17th century
2. My grandfather who died in nineteen sixties was a butcher. Not the demon in Diablo, though.
3. I don't mind naming kids after relatives when you do it with good taste. I don't want my kids to be bullied in school for having a strange name.
4. Not really.
5. A parental advice "Get a haircut!" :lol:
This week's Five, a few hours early..

1. How far back can you trace your family tree?

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?

1. On my mothers side, my grandmother traced it back to family in Ireland from the early 1800's. Father side? I saw a photo of my great grandparents. That's about it. Though I did do some research into the family name and it's history in England. From what I can tell it was a pretty high standing family.

2. Nothing much, only that some were pretty well known in New Zealand at their respective times

3. Meh, If a family member had a name I liked, I'd consider it, but not for traditional reasons

4. Not really

5. Nothing I can think of at the moment.
This week's Five, a few hours early..

1. How far back can you trace your family tree?

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?

1. Not too far, about 6 generations. I have ancestors from Mexico and Spain. I've wanted to do more research on that, but just haven't had the time.

2. Apparently, some ancestors on my dad's side were accomplices to the notorious outlaw Pancho Villa.

3. It's alright, but I personally like when people can stand out on their own with a unique name.

4. Eh, somewhat. But I enjoy breaking that idea every now and then.

5. Realize and enjoy the power of music and see how it can help define you.
1. How far back can you trace your family tree?
Ottoman & Germanic Kings

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?
My uncle was CEO of dupont before he retired. my dad's father sold cars to Elvis in exchange for records (cause Elvis was not yet rich enough).

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?
Definitely not

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?
METAL. and actually THINKING.
1. How far back can you trace your family tree?

2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?

3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?

4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?

5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?

1. Back to France, in the 1600s.
2. My uncle once blew up his toilet by putting a firecracker in it.
3. Whatever floats their boats, I'm not too fond of it myself.
4. Nope.
5. I don't plan on having kids.
Today's Five:

1. What's the temperature like outside right now?

2. What's your ideal kind of weather?

3. Do you prefer living in a climate with lots of seasonal change, or do you prefer it to stay close to the same every day?

4. How hard does it have to be raining for you to pull out an umbrella?

5. What's the worst storm you've ever experienced? Is the weather where you live ever potentially dangerous?
Today's Five:
1. What's the temperature like outside right now?
2. What's your ideal kind of weather?
3. Do you prefer living in a climate with lots of seasonal change, or do you prefer it to stay close to the same every day?
4. How hard does it have to be raining for you to pull out an umbrella?
5. What's the worst storm you've ever experienced? Is the weather where you live ever potentially dangerous?
1. Cold enough that it should be snowing, but there is none because the environment hates me.
2. This, but with Snow.
3. Seasonal change is a good thing, but as long as it's drastic enough to get all the variation. That's why I like Long Island. It gets cold enough to snow (usually) and warm enough to complain about the heat.
4. It has to be raining Acid for me to pull out an umbrella.
5. Not sure.
Today's Five:

1. What's the temperature like outside right now?

2. What's your ideal kind of weather?

3. Do you prefer living in a climate with lots of seasonal change, or do you prefer it to stay close to the same every day?

4. How hard does it have to be raining for you to pull out an umbrella?

5. What's the worst storm you've ever experienced? Is the weather where you live ever potentially dangerous?
1. Really cold!
2. Completely cloudy but bright sky, around 65F degrees.
3. Definitely similar weather days.
4. I have never used an umbrella. That's for n00bs.
5. There was a sissy thunderstorm that knocked down a couple trees and powerlines around my old house, but that's it. The weather is surprisingly extremely tame around here otherwise. I suppose the only real threat is the ice from snowing, as the roads are dangerous enough without the snow here as it is.
Today's Five:
1. What's the temperature like outside right now?
2. What's your ideal kind of weather?
3. Do you prefer living in a climate with lots of seasonal change, or do you prefer it to stay close to the same every day?
4. How hard does it have to be raining for you to pull out an umbrella?
5. What's the worst storm you've ever experienced? Is the weather where you live ever potentially dangerous?

1. Eh. Dreary, but not rainy or anything. Just sorta chilly.
2. Whatever. just not humid. It rains a lot here and that's actually nice. i like rain.
3. Again, whatever. not terribly picky.
4. Luv dat rain. Fuck umbrellas
5. nothing horrific. Just huge windstorms and ice storms. Of course, none of it is really horribly dangerous, thouhg there's always hazzards. NOthing like a fucking tornader though. Of course, people freak the fuck out when there's half an inch of snow on the ground here, so go figure...