The Friday Five

Today's rather random Five:

1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?

2. How many people here know your real name?

3. What makes you afraid?

4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?

5. What line won't you cross?
1. Maybe about 3 hours or so at some stupid speech... I can't remember anything else from it though, except that it bored me very badly.
2. MrFast, and maybe Montu, Ptah and Zach.
3. Becoming deaf!
4. I fell on my back on a hard wooden platform about 5 feet up once in 2nd grade. W00t.
5. Talking about certain religions in a negative light. :uhohcontroversial:
Today's rather random Five:
1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?
2. How many people here know your real name?
3. What makes you afraid?
4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?
5. What line won't you cross?
1. Definitely Ozzfest '05
2. If you're reading this, then you know that my name is Harris.
3. Scary things.
4. I busted my head open when I was 7.
5. Line number 6.
1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?
2. How many people here know your real name?
3. What makes you afraid?
4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?
5. What line won't you cross?

1. Iron Maiden concert, last october. Stood from like 10 AM to 1-2 AM. Didn't eat anything and drank a bit of water after the show.
2. Brandon, they all do now.
3. Swimming in water that I can't see/touch the bottom. It makes me hyperventilate.
4. None, I tend to stay away from trouble.
5. As much of an asshole I can be at times, I'm pretty honorable when it comes to friends. I wouldn't wanna lose them, they keep me sane.
Today's rather random Five:

1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?

Thirteen hours in lab back in college. On my 21st birthday even.

2. How many people here know your real name?

Probably nobody. Hi, I'm Mark. Pleased to meet you.

3. What makes you afraid?

The thought of all the outside influences acting on my children as they grow up. I hope my wife and I can teach them well enough to get through it all when we're not present.

4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?

I broke my hip playing soccer. Similar to what Bo Jackson did to his, but luckily I was turned to the side and my femur just hit the very outside of my hip and took a chunk off. It's still floating around back there. The worst part was the tearing off of all the muscle attachments from the ball end of my femur.

5. What line won't you cross?

Illegal felony acts, probably, to encompass as much that I can roll into it. I definitely couldn't murder somebody. I would protect myself if needed, but outright murder I'm not capable of. I couldn't live with the guilt. And thievery/larceny/burglary etc.
Today's rather random Five:

1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?

2. How many people here know your real name?

3. What makes you afraid?

4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?

5. What line won't you cross?

1. Not sure.
2. SilentRealm, Mrfast, Tubbs, Ptah, some other people on GMD.
3. Being paralyzed from neck down.
4. I had a knee problem in 4th or 5th grade. Not sure what it was called though.
5. One of them.
Today's rather random Five:

1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?

2. How many people here know your real name?

3. What makes you afraid?

4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?

5. What line won't you cross?

1) Around 3 hours or so...
2) None
3) War
4) I was at a friends house and we ran out of fire wood so we covertly entered his neighbors yard and stole a bunch of crates. In the process of beating the crates with a hammer to break them apart I somehow split my left index at the joint down to the bone(yes, the finger I use to play guitar). Being the man that I am, I wrapped it in paper towels, duck taped it and then took a few vicodens.
5) EDIT: I have eaten some strange things but I drew the line at a boiled baby octopus. It was at a sushi bar.I just Couldn't eat it.
1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?
Six hours in a 120 degree engine room standing boiler watch, woohoo

2. How many people here know your real name?
Whoever here is my friend on myspace, I guess. How do you do, my name is Yasmin.

3. What makes you afraid?
The usual... bugs, spiders, heights.

4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?
Someone pushed me down an escalator and I tore a ligament in my ankle. I fell down the stairs two years later and sprained it again. It never healed properly.

5. What line won't you cross?
This question sucks.
Today's rather random Five:

1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?

2. How many people here know your real name?

3. What makes you afraid?

4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?

5. What line won't you cross?
1. hmmm that would depend on whether or not standing also equals walking... it thats the case, when i was in the army on all-day route marches
2. only progmetalpilgrim
3. heights
4. my shoulder dislocating all the time
5. the cheating line
Today's rather random Five:
1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?
2. How many people here know your real name?
3. What makes you afraid?
4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?
5. What line won't you cross?

1.*Shrugs* Probably around 10 hours or so at an old job.
2. SR is about it. Hi, my name's Ben
3. Nothing really
4. I've never really done much damage to myself, definately no broken bones. I've had an ear infection that spread across my face, that was fun :|. Oh and while playing Rugby, a fellow team mate (a prop even, think 110+kg) managed to get one of the steel studs on his boots in between the knuckles on my hand. Only ended up with major swelling and chunks of hard blood etc in there, nothing majorly damaged.
5. This one -> ____________
Today's rather random Five:

1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?

2. How many people here know your real name?

3. What makes you afraid?

4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?

5. What line won't you cross?

1. i don't know.
2. everybody. :lol:
3. myself.
4. i've nearly died several times. bleeding and all that.
5. many.
Today's rather random Five:

1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?

2. How many people here know your real name?

3. What makes you afraid?

4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?

5. What line won't you cross?

1) No idea.

2) None.

3) Deep waters.

4) I broke my right leg once, above the knee.

5) The ones with signs that say "do not pass".
1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?
Amon Amarth gig at The Wiltern Theater, waiting to get in
2. How many people here know your real name?
3. What makes you afraid?
Well, I guess the whole global warming thing kinda scares me. I guess the only thing that truely scares me is the thought of never being able to do anything with my life.
4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?
I fell off my bicycle when i was seven and lost a quarter of my big toe.
5. What line won't you cross?
Talking shit on someone for their race, religious beliefs, etc.
Today's rather random Five:

1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?

2. How many people here know your real name?

3. What makes you afraid?

4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?

5. What line won't you cross?

1. Standing in line for my Ps2 (When it first came out)

2. None

3. Spiders. Although i do like Spider-man

4. I stepped on a nail and it went through my left foot. I actually didn't feel it when i first stepped on it, but it hurt like hell when i pulled it out.

5. To do something just to do it. I need a reason.
1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?
8 hours a night at work enough? (minus two 20 minute breaks, that is)
2. How many people here know your real name?
Mostly just the ones who know me relatively well offline, plus a few others.
3. What makes you afraid?
The thought of harm befalling any of my kids.
4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?
Nothing too major, probably any one of the many times I've needed emergency stitches.
5. What line won't you cross?
There are several.
Today's rather random Five:

1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?

2. How many people here know your real name?

3. What makes you afraid?

4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?

5. What line won't you cross?

1. Probably about 10 hours at work at Christmas time, with a half hour break somewhere in the middle...

2. Not sure, maybe 10 at the most...

3. Diseases, crime etc.

4. I fractured my right shoulder when I was young, then fractured it again before it had fully healed, and they discovered I had a cist in the growth plate which had to be removed, but now I have slightly limited movement of my right shoulder, and my right arm is approx. 3 inches shorter than my left arm...

5. Anything which compromises my morals or beliefs...
1. What's the longest time you've spent standing?
Can't remember but 4 hours standing in a shed in 40°C heat cutting apricots is bad enough.
2. How many people here know your real name?
3. What makes you afraid?
Uhh, the symptoms for this describe it best.
4. What's the worst physical injury you've had?
Sprained wrist or twisted ankle. I surely live life on the edge.
5. What line won't you cross?
Lots I guess. I'm more concerned about the lines I don't cross.
This week's belated and rather random five; pick your preference (& feel free to explain):

1. PC or Mac?
2. Vinyl or compact disc?
3. Apartment or house?
4. Cold weather or hot weather?
5. Paper or plastic?