The Friday Five

Today's rather-early-cuz-I-got-out-of-work-early Five:

1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?
2. What was the best weekend of your life?
3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?
4. Do you have any weekend routines?
5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.

1. Friday. Like others have said, you've got the weekend to look forward to.
2. No idea.
3. The one immediately following the last day of school for the summer.
4. Yes.
5. Go out to a great dinner somewhere and then go see a metal concert or something. Other times I just like staying home and doing nothing.

1. Friday, because then you have the whole weekend to look forward to. I used to DESPISE Sundays but now i've found that they are actually pretty cool. You reflect more on your life on Sundays, because the break from reality which is the weekend has almost ended by then. You are reminded of your fears and your struggle again, because on Monday morning you will have to confront your life. Or something...

I hate Sunday for that reason. They also tend to drag on real slow. :Puke:
Today's rather-early-cuz-I-got-out-of-work-early Five:

1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?
2. What was the best weekend of your life?
3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?
4. Do you have any weekend routines?
5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.
1. Whichever day I have band practice.
2. It was really a Thursday-Saturday, but September 28-30 of 06. Gigantour, Dragonforce/My Birthday, Eric Clapton
3. Anything that's before a vacation or something.
4. Sleep, Eat, Fap, Sleep.
5. Actually being around people.
Today's rather-early-cuz-I-got-out-of-work-early Five:

1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?
2. What was the best weekend of your life?
3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?
4. Do you have any weekend routines?
5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.

1. Saturdays, it's like a friday that I don't have to get up early for work.
2. Holy crap, I have no clue. Most of them are pretty good.
3. Any weekend that I get to hang out with friends.
4. Yeah, it starts thursdays. It's called bumming rides in advance :lol:
5. Party, followed by sex.
1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?
2. What was the best weekend of your life?
3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?
4. Do you have any weekend routines?
5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.
1. Saturdays, because they are usually when I have band practice.
2. Don't know
3. Don't care
4. Going to band practice
5. Being at band practice
Today's rather-early-cuz-I-got-out-of-work-early Five:

1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?
2. What was the best weekend of your life?
3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?
4. Do you have any weekend routines?
5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.

1) Sundays - Sunday is my Saturday...
2) PP VII - Being kidnapped by Freak Kitchen, tied with my HS graduation weekend, which was like 3 straight days of partying.....
3) Don't know....Holiday weekends bring out too many tourists in my area of the country.

4) Nope.
5) Getting home in one piece after work so I can have a weekend....

1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)? Well I work Sunday nights..often work OT on Friday I'm gonna say Saturday because it's (usually) work-free.
2. What was the best weekend of your life? The weekend in June 2006 when I went to the Outer Banks to meet my birthmom for the first time.
3. What weekend of the year is your favorite? PPUSA weekend..always a fun time (except that one weekend a couple of years ago when I got SO sick..that one sucked).
4. Do you have any weekend routines? Just the usual housework, laundry and grocery shopping. Exciting stuff.
5. Describe your ideal Saturday night. I can think of too many scenarios that could be deemed 'ideal' to choose just one.
1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)? Well I work Sunday nights..often work OT on Friday I'm gonna say Saturday because it's (usually) work-free.
2. What was the best weekend of your life? The weekend in June 2006 when I went to the Outer Banks to meet my birthmom for the first time.
3. What weekend of the year is your favorite? PPUSA weekend..always a fun time (except that one weekend a couple of years ago when I got SO sick..that one sucked).
4. Do you have any weekend routines? Just the usual housework, laundry and grocery shopping. Exciting stuff.
5. Describe your ideal Saturday night. I can think of too many scenarios that could be deemed 'ideal' to choose just one.

off topic, but I LOVE the outer banks. Every couple of years my grandparents rent out a house there for a week or two and my whole family goes there for a family reunion. Awesome place.
It IS a gorgeous place, to be sure..I love it there, & learning that that's where I came from originally (my birthfamily are generations worth of Hatteras Island folks) explains so much about me. :)
Today's rather-early-cuz-I-got-out-of-work-early Five:

1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?
2. What was the best weekend of your life?
3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?
4. Do you have any weekend routines?
5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.

1. Fridays, because I can at least sleep in. Grad school has rendered me nearly lifeless on the weekend, which I pretty much use to catch up on school work. It fucking SUCKS! But I hang out with friends on Saturday and Sunday evenings after church, so it's cool.
2. Hmm, too many good ones to pick from. One was seeing my first concert (Rush) with my 2 best friends.
3. Probably the one in December when I get to go home for the holidays.
4. See number 1.
5. Hang out with some of my lovely female friends, jet off to catch Symphony X in concert, get my ass rocked off, and meet them after the show. :)
1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?
2. What was the best weekend of your life?
3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?
4. Do you have any weekend routines?
5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.

1. Saturday. Weekend's just started; can relax, do what I want and leave what I *should* do until Sunday.
2. No clue.
3. No clue.
4. Not yet.
5. No clue but I haven't experienced it yet.
1. no idea
2. no idea
3. no idea
4. no
5. no idea.

all days are the same to me.

Just wait till you're married with a couple kids. Not only are all days relatively the same, they all blend into each other and before you know it nine years have passed.

Recommendation: Take a weekend or two to breathe and separate yourself from your schedule. Figure out what you want out of your life and then plan how to get it. Smell some flowers. Enjoy your youth! You can't get it back once it's gone.
1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?
2. What was the best weekend of your life?
3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?
4. Do you have any weekend routines?
5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.

1. Fridays
2. Probably this
3. Mid-summer party
4. Not really
5.Lots of sleep
Recommendation: Take a weekend or two to breathe and separate yourself from your schedule. Figure out what you want out of your life and then plan how to get it. Smell some flowers. Enjoy your youth! You can't get it back once it's gone.

I've never heard that one before :rolleyes:
1. What timezone are you in?

2. Do you like Daylight Savings Time, or should it be gotten rid of?

3. Do you wear a wristwatch?

4. What time is it right now (local time)?

5. Analog or Digital?