The Friday Five

Lil early this week cuz I'm goin' outta town tomorrow morning; the 'it's almost back to school time' Five:
1. Who was your favorite teacher?
2. Why was that teacher so special?
3. Do you think teachers get paid enough?
4. Did you have a favorite year of school?
5. If you could travel back in time and tell yourself something now that would have helped you get through school, what would you say?
1. Chris Gordon (my first guitar teacher) OR Mr. Kellogg (my high school music teacher)
2. Chris- changed my whole outlook on music, inspired me to really want to become something as a musician/guitar player, and a great friend on top of all that)
Mr. Kellogg- great guy, always pushed me to the next level. He was the first guy to really push me towards becoming a good musician instead of just being a good guitar player
3. In most cases, no
4. Definitelymy senior year of high school
5. "Hey kid, maybe those guys actually DO know a thing or two"

It's easiest for me to pick out music teachers for this but if I were to leave this exclusive to non-music teachers, I'd say my AP English teacher during my senior year, Mr. Clapp, was probably the best. Really challenged me intellectually and pushed me to pursue a lot of interests that I never really tried to do before being his student. If I didn't follow through with music, I would've majored in English Lit. and gone on to teach.
1. Who was your favorite teacher?
Dr. Amani/Dr. Gyves

2. Why was that teacher so special?
Dr. Amani - I've had him for three different classes and have gotten to know him really well. Incredibly patient, very demanding, and is the kind of guy who makes you want to do your work and excel not because you're afraid of failing, but because you don't want to disappoint him.

Dr. Gyves - I've taken two classes with him. He's a genuinely good guy, and doesn't play favorites. On my first exam in his Thermodynamics class, I used a wrong reference table, and one of my numbers was off by .0000007. He took off SIX points. When I tried to argue it, he said "will you make the same mistake again?" Sigh, touché.

3. Do you think teachers get paid enough?
Of course not.

4. Did you have a favorite year of school?
Junior year of high school. Great friends, great classes, and I breezed through and got straight A's. Plus there was that security blanket of being an upperclassman yet not having to worry about all that bullshit with the whole college application process.

5. If you could travel back in time and tell yourself something now that would have helped you get through school, what would you say?
1. Who was your favorite teacher?
I don't know, maybe my American drama teacher last year.
2. Why was that teacher so special?
He was a perfect lecturer who hates most traditional academic discipline, but also whose self discipline goes far beyond the traditional ones.
3. Do you think teachers get paid enough?
In Turkey? NO!!!
4. Did you have a favorite year of school?
Maybe 3'rd year in the elementary school
5. If you could travel back in time and tell yourself something now that would have helped you get through school, what would you say?
I would tell myself the lucky numbers of some major lotteries which would help a lot :lol:
Lil early this week cuz I'm goin' outta town tomorrow morning; the 'it's almost back to school time' Five:
1. Who was your favorite teacher?
2. Why was that teacher so special?
3. Do you think teachers get paid enough?
4. Did you have a favorite year of school?
5. If you could travel back in time and tell yourself something now that would have helped you get through school, what would you say?
1. Mr Cogan.
2. We were the only Glenelg supporters in any of my year 12 classes.
3. They don't think so.
4. I actually liked school, so no favourite years.
5. Studying for an exam earlier than on the way to school would be a good thing...
Lil early this week cuz I'm goin' outta town tomorrow morning; the 'it's almost back to school time' Five:
1. Who was your favorite teacher?
2. Why was that teacher so special?
3. Do you think teachers get paid enough?
4. Did you have a favorite year of school?
5. If you could travel back in time and tell yourself something now that would have helped you get through school, what would you say?

1 & 2) Mrs. Mers - The best Social Studies teacher I ever had for class. She made the boring (to a teenager) history stuff interesting. Tied with Don Purcell, who looked like a skinny version of Col. Sanders (of KFC fame).
Cool guy, who knew how to push people in their studies, without coming off like a dick. Plus, he was funny as hell.

3) Good ones, no. My HS teachers were MUCH better than my college teachers/professors by a long shot.....

4) 1982 - Graduating from HS

5) 90% of what you learn here are not applicable later on, but the better you do, the better off you will be......
Lil early this week cuz I'm goin' outta town tomorrow morning; the 'it's almost back to school time' Five:
1. Who was your favorite teacher?
2. Why was that teacher so special?
3. Do you think teachers get paid enough?
4. Did you have a favorite year of school?
5. If you could travel back in time and tell yourself something now that would have helped you get through school, what would you say?

1. Mr Moore (Geography teacher)

2. Because he's an absolute legend, he's about 60, but hes probably fitter than most of out year 12 class was, hes been through hell and back in life, but remains as positive as ever, and taught us so many life lessons, that I'll always carry with me for the rest of my life...

3. Yeah I think so... I think other jobs are over payed though...

4. This year? Oh, I'm not at school this year... :p

5. Start music seriously much earlier on in life... Don't go on the internet so much during year 12... :erk:
1. Who was your favorite teacher?

2. Why was that teacher so special?
-He was just like me and my friends. He would actually come hang out with us during breaks and lunch and whatnot, where we'd always complain about society, have long Zappa/women/food/drug related conversations, and generally have a good time. Although he did teach me one or two classes, I remember him more as a friend than a teacher.

3. Do you think teachers get paid enough?
-Probably not.

4. Did you have a favorite year of school?
-Probably 9th, when I REALLY made the leap from punk to metal and started discovering all these new bands that I still love to this day.

5. If you could travel back in time and tell yourself something now that would have helped you get through school, what would you say?
-You're too young to find, or even want a steady girlfriend. Trust me, you're only out to get laid at this point in life.
1. Who was your favorite teacher?

There were so many good ones, I can't seem to name a favorite. Mrs. Zeff, Mrs. Fallenbeck, Mrs. Drake, Mr. Hall, Mrs. Marsello, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Mason. At the time I was in college, I hated Dr. Parten, but I think his hard-ass nature prepared me best for life in the "real world". I guess I'll actually have to go with him. Ugh!

2. Why was that teacher so special?

He was such a hard ass in presentations. But he prepared me for my career. I can present in front of anybody now because I no longer fear questions from the audience. No questions could be worse than his. But it really turned out that his questions were about the most basic aspect of a project. The funny thing is that hardly anybody would be able to answer his questions because they were so afraid that he was asking a question.

3. Do you think teachers get paid enough?

Hell no. They should easily make six figures - perhaps even as a starting salary. I think our best teaching talent shies away from teaching because they cannot support their lives with such meager pay. Lawyers and teachers should flip flop their current pay rates. But then there's also the thought camp that by keeping pay low you get the teachers who are actually there to teach rather than to make gobs of money. So, if it's your passion, teach and make small money. So point of the story is that lawyers make too much money.

4. Did you have a favorite year of school?

Geez, all of it. I loved school.

5. If you could travel back in time and tell yourself something now that would have helped you get through school, what would you say?

Get off the couch and experience the world. Don't be so shy because all the people you think are important in high school will not be with you past that time and their opinions don't mean anything. And stop eating those damned Skittles.
1. Who was your favorite teacher?
Jim Seth

2. Why was that teacher so special?
Introduced me to the guitar, and also computers

3. Do you think teachers get paid enough?
In Britain, no, not for the amount of shit they gotta put up with. I know - I was a teacher for 2 years - now I get more money for less aggro making air filters. Go figure...

4. Did you have a favorite year of school?
The 2 years I was in 6th form, by which time I had discovered beer and sex. I achieved absolutely nothing, but had a great time. :kickass:

5. If you could travel back in time and tell yourself something now that would have helped you get through school, what would you say?
Do the subjects I'm good at rather than avoiding them because of the pressure being put on me by staff to do them.
Lil early this week cuz I'm goin' outta town tomorrow morning; the 'it's almost back to school time' Five:
1. Who was your favorite teacher?
2. Why was that teacher so special?
3. Do you think teachers get paid enough?
4. Did you have a favorite year of school?
5. If you could travel back in time and tell yourself something now that would have helped you get through school, what would you say?

1. Sixth grade teacher, Mr. Daniels.
2. He was the nicest, most good natured teacher anyone could ever want, and was excellent with kids as an educator.
3. No way.
4. Junior year in high school. I was doing well, had great friends, my band and I were riding high, and the school seemed to like us quite a bit!
5. Don't stress so much. Have fun, work diligently, and everything will work out as it should. And watch out for that girl. She's gonna be trouble.
Imagine you are on your deathbed. Recommend to those who remain in your life...

1) One book to read.
2) One movie to watch.
3) One food to eat.
4) One place to go.
5) One life lesson to leave behind.
geeze Jax, a bit morbid eh? :zombie: (< because zombies are morbid)

1. The Alphabet of Manliness- always gives me a good laugh
2. Dawn of the Dead- so I know how to roll when all is said and done
3. Silica Gel packets- I've always wondered what they tasted like, seems like it would be a good time to find out
4. Dunno
5. That there is never a reason to worry, stress, or get angry about little things (or even big things) to the degree that some people do. Life is going to happen so you've just gotta roll with the punches.
Silica Gel packets- I've always wondered what they tasted like, seems like it would be a good time to find out


I always laugh when I see know that someone somewhere had to have eaten them in order for those 'do not eat' messages to be necessary; ya gotta wonder why someone would eat one of those things.

I'd guess that it was probably someone's kid who wasn't actually being watched who decided it'd make a good snack food, but what good is a 'hey, don't eat this, dumbass' message to a kid who can't read anyway? :lol:
1) One book to read.
Don't really know. So many.
2) One movie to watch.
Monty Python's Holy Grail.
3) One food to eat.
Fried white bread with ice cream.
4) One place to go.
Symphony X gig
5) One life lesson to leave behind.
You're all going to die too! Mwahahahaahaaa!
Imagine you are on your deathbed. Recommend to those who remain in your life...

1) One book to read.
2) One movie to watch.
3) One food to eat.
4) One place to go.
5) One life lesson to leave behind.

1) Anything by George Carlin - Napalm & Silly Putt & Brain Droppings are 2 of my faves.

2) It's a toss up between Apocolypse Now or Fast Times At Ridgemont High
(the latter could also fall under the book catagory as well...)

3) Gino's East Pizza - BEST on the planet, bar none!
4) Grand Canyon in AZ, or far enough north on this continent to where the treeline stops, and the rocks start....
5) Live every day like it might be your last, but don't be a self centered prick/prickette.
1) One book to read.

2) One movie to watch.

3) One food to eat.
Duck curry

4) One place to go.
Portuguese countryside

5) One life lesson to leave behind.
Don't be an ass.
Imagine you are on your deathbed. Recommend to those who remain in your life...

1) One book to read.
2) One movie to watch.
3) One food to eat.
4) One place to go.
5) One life lesson to leave behind.

1. Slaughterhouse Five
3. Starbucks Mocha Frappucino....does that count?
4. The bell tower of my University
5. For the love of all things holy don't go to a private university unless it's a free ride.
Imagine you are on your deathbed. Recommend to those who remain in your life...

1) One book to read.
2) One movie to watch.
3) One food to eat.
4) One place to go.
5) One life lesson to leave behind.

1. The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. All of the books are excellent.
2. Indiana Jones and the last Crusade.
3. Panini FTW!
4. Kyoto, Japan.
5. Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see.