The Friday Five

How many?

1. How many CDs do you own?
2. How many mp3s are on your computer/mp3 player?
3. How many DVDs do you own?
4. How many books do you own?
5. How many video games do you own?

Bonus: show us a photo of your collection of cds, dvds, books or video games..

1. 'bout a thousand
2. 'bout 60 gig
3. 'bout 100
4. 'bout 3
5. 'bout 50

1. How many CDs do you own?
2. How many mp3s are on your computer/mp3 player?
Not sure, but all of my music fills half of my 80GB etx. HDD.
3. How many DVDs do you own?
4. How many books do you own?
3 lol. They were for school though. I'm not a big reader.
5. How many video games do you own?
I have 10 or so PS2 games, but the PS2 is at my sisters house.
How many?

1. How many CDs do you own?
2. How many mp3s are on your computer/mp3 player?
3. How many DVDs do you own?
4. How many books do you own?
5. How many video games do you own?

Bonus: show us a photo of your collection of cds, dvds, books or video games..

1. Like 50 I'd say.
2. 8461 in my current playlist.
3. Like 10? Maybe.
4. Every single Pratchett book, something like 25-30, aswell as some other so in total... around 50.
5. For all consoles? Like a millionzilliongazillion maybe. Too many to count.
How many?

1. How many CDs do you own? 907 at last count.
2. How many mp3s are on your computer/mp3 player? About 3000. [Edit: oops..more like 5,000, Winamp tells me.]
3. How many DVDs do you own? Maybe 50-60 or so.
4. How many books do you own? 400 or so.
5. How many video games do you own? The only video games I play are on my DS, & I only have maybe half a dozen games for it.

Bonus: show us a photo of your collection of cds, dvds, books or video games. I'll do this tomorrow.
How many?

1. How many CDs do you own?
2. How many mp3s are on your computer/mp3 player?
3. How many DVDs do you own?
4. How many books do you own?
5. How many video games do you own?

Bonus: show us a photo of your collection of cds, dvds, books or video games..
1. About 600.
2. Bugger all.
3. About 300.
4. Probably 1000... I read a lot.
5. About 10 each for my ancient Atari, Sega Master System, and Gameboy Advanced. My kids have a PS2 with a heap of games, but I don't use it.

Would post pics but the disc drive in this comp shat itself last week and I haven't got round to replacing it yet.
How many?

1. How many CDs do you own?
2. How many mp3s are on your computer/mp3 player?
3. How many DVDs do you own?
4. How many books do you own?
5. How many video games do you own?

1. I don't know. Maybe somewhere between 50 to 100.
2. 100-200 songs probably
3. Maybe 50
4. Maybe 50
5. 0
Food :)
1. What is one food (or meal) you used to hate but now love?
2. If you had to give up one of your favorite foods (or meals) for good, what would it be, and why?
3. Which food seems like it should be healthy and isn't, and do you eat it? Why?
4. If you were an item of food, personified, what would you be and why?
5. You've seen tomatoes and pies used for this purpose... now think of a more inventive item of food one could throw at someone. What is it and why would throwing it at someone be hilarious?

1. What is one food (or meal) you used to hate but now love?
Blue Cheese salad dressing

2. If you had to give up one of your favorite foods (or meals) for good, what would it be, and why?
Probably the really fatty things like White Castle because of all of the fat and cholesterol.

3. Which food seems like it should be healthy and isn't, and do you eat it? Why?
I have always heard pizza is healthy but some seem to disagree.. I still eat it regularly.

4. If you were an item of food, personified, what would you be and why?
A carrot. I watch too much South Park.

5. You've seen tomatoes and pies used for this purpose... now think of a more inventive item of food one could throw at someone. What is it and why would throwing it at someone be hilarious?
Bull Testicles. Do I need to explain why that would be funny as hell?:)

Edit: incase you didn't know, people, not me!, actually eat bull balls.
Food :)
1. What is one food (or meal) you used to hate but now love?
2. If you had to give up one of your favorite foods (or meals) for good, what would it be, and why?
3. Which food seems like it should be healthy and isn't, and do you eat it? Why?
4. If you were an item of food, personified, what would you be and why?
5. You've seen tomatoes and pies used for this purpose... now think of a more inventive item of food one could throw at someone. What is it and why would throwing it at someone be hilarious?

1. Green olives, especially stuffed with garlic or habanero peppers.
2. Ribs. All that fat and cholesterol will screw with you later.
3. Ice cream. It's dairy, isn't it? All that fat in only a half cup is pretty unfortunate, but it's so addicting!
4. An Oreo. Hard on the outside, smooth and sweet on the inside, hehe.
5. Egg nog. The smell would be a nice additional gift.
1. What is one food (or meal) you used to hate but now love?
Hmm, can't think of one.
2. If you had to give up one of your favorite foods (or meals) for good, what would it be, and why?
Salt and Vinigar chips, because they're so addictive. :lol:
3. Which food seems like it should be healthy and isn't, and do you eat it? Why?
Pasta and yes I eat a lot of it. Low in fat, but so high in carb's.
4. If you were an item of food, personified, what would you be and why?
Gum. Never being digested = long and happy life. :p
5. You've seen tomatoes and pies used for this purpose... now think of a more inventive item of food one could throw at someone. What is it and why would throwing it at someone be hilarious?
Chocolate? It's pretty hard... could do some nice damage... ;)
1- Cheese...I refused to eat anything (with the exception of pizza) that had cheese on it until I was about 10

2- Pasghetti, bread, paper towels, kleenex... (you either get the reference or you don't)

3- Ummm....lasagna? I dunno..default answer

4- Lasagna...because it's amazing and I would eat myself

5- A large-sized spoonful of the pizza sauce at pizza hut (trust me....flinging a spoonful of that stuff right at someone's face is amazingly and hilariously awesome)
Food :)
1. What is one food (or meal) you used to hate but now love?
2. If you had to give up one of your favorite foods (or meals) for good, what would it be, and why?
3. Which food seems like it should be healthy and isn't, and do you eat it? Why?
4. If you were an item of food, personified, what would you be and why?
5. You've seen tomatoes and pies used for this purpose... now think of a more inventive item of food one could throw at someone. What is it and why would throwing it at someone be hilarious?
1. Avocado
2. Maybe.... chocolate?
3. Pizza... but I have toppings that other people wouldn't; like anchovies & egg, along with the normal stuff like mushroom, pineapple, bacon, cheese, etc.
4. Chocolate, and only because I'm not allowed to have any at the moment (doctors orders...)
5. Pizza, especially one loaded with toppings and tons and tons of tomato paste.
1. What is one food (or meal) you used to hate but now love?

2. If you had to give up one of your favorite foods (or meals) for good, what would it be, and why?
I've already done it. I've had to stop eating shrimp because I'm starting to develop allergic reactions to it, which sucks because I love it so much :(

3. Which food seems like it should be healthy and isn't, and do you eat it? Why?
Sugar substitutes (sucralose, aspartame, etc.), and no. I hate their aftertaste.

4. If you were an item of food, personified, what would you be and why?
Marmite. Either you love me or you hate me.

5. You've seen tomatoes and pies used for this purpose... now think of a more inventive item of food one could throw at someone. What is it and why would throwing it at someone be hilarious?
Boiling water!
Food :)
1. What is one food (or meal) you used to hate but now love?
2. If you had to give up one of your favorite foods (or meals) for good, what would it be, and why?
3. Which food seems like it should be healthy and isn't, and do you eat it? Why?
4. If you were an item of food, personified, what would you be and why?
5. You've seen tomatoes and pies used for this purpose... now think of a more inventive item of food one could throw at someone. What is it and why would throwing it at someone be hilarious?

1. Instant noodles. The first ones I tasted were quite extraordinary to my taste. After several years of tedious experimenting with different noodle brands I found Mama's to be the best.
2. I don't know how to answer that question.
3. Instand noodles
4. A noodle, very flegmatic one.
5. Lutefisk. Because it would be encountered in mid-air by at least 36 norwegians approximately 5.5 seconds after leaving your hand.
1. What is one food (or meal) you used to hate but now love?
Eggs. I was always a huge fan of eggs, until I lived with my aunt for a straight week, and all she fed me (literally) were hard-boiled eggs. After that, I despised anything that was even shaped like an egg, and just recently I tried an egg sandwich and I fell in love with them all over again.

2. If you had to give up one of your favorite foods (or meals) for good, what would it be, and why?
Probably raw fish, because all that mercury definitley isn't good for me.

3. Which food seems like it should be healthy and isn't, and do you eat it? Why?
Hm.. all those delicious soups (ex: Broccoli Cheddar) from 'Panera Bread' or 'Au Bon Pain', which are actually jam-packed with calories and sodium. I eat them all the time, because they're yummy.

4. If you were an item of food, personified, what would you be and why?
I'm not sure what they're called, but they resemble little fruits, grow on trees, and I think are considered delicacy in Chinese cuisine, although they smell exactly like diarrhea. Because I live in Staten Island and no one eats them, so I'd have a better chance of survival.

5. You've seen tomatoes and pies used for this purpose... now think of a more inventive item of food one could throw at someone. What is it and why would throwing it at someone be hilarious?
Uh.. lemon juice, because it burns.

4. If you were an item of food, personified, what would you be and why?
I'm not sure what they're called, but they resemble little fruits, grow on trees, and I think are considered delicacy in Chinese cuisine, although they smell exactly like diarrhea. Because I live in Staten Island and no one eats them, so I'd have a better chance of survival.

Durian fruit?
1. What is your favorite experience in your life so far?
2. What motivates you to keep going every day?
3. Where do you want to go in life? What do you want to accomplish?
4. Is there anything that you regret? Do you try to change it?
5. What is your most cherished gift you have received? Why do you cherish it so much?