1. What makes you feel exposed? (keep it clean here, kids)
Maybe vulnerable is the better word, but performing at school. Performing in front of an average audience, friends, family, random people, etc. is one thing but perfoming for the excessively critical ears of fellow musicians does make me sweat a bit at times.
2. What do you have to force yourself to do?
Go to bed at reasonable hours
3. Where do you like to spend your time outdoors?
Anywhere with trees, grass, bodies of water, etc. Living in the Twin Cities has caused me to despise urban living and truly appreciate being able to get away from it
4. What surprises you?
How, depsite the ridiculous pricetag that comes along with college, people still treat it like a 4 year summer camp with a 24 hour open bar
5. Friday fill-in: Late at night I'm _________.
practicing, playing video games, and/or watching a movie