Darn, missed the last groups of questions.
Jax said:
Alright, it's (just barely) Friday here, so here are this week's questions:
1. What talent(s) do you have that could make you famous?
2. If you could be famous for one day, what would you do?
3. If you were so famous that money was no object, where would you live?
4. If you could meet any famous person, who would it be?
5. What would be your famous catch phrase/quote/motto/last words?
1. Soccer, though I'm a wee over the hill to start that as a new career; guitar, though I'm too far removed from a good practice schedule; guitar making, though I can't seem to find time enough to straighten out the garage to make a shop; beermaking, though I haven't yet applied for a liquor license (at least I'm already famous for it at work though). I guess that leaves my job. Apparently, I already have a reputation that makes people afraid of me. Does that count as famous? Infamous, perhaps?
2. Famous for one day - I would promote myself as a great soccer player, guitar player, guitar maker, beermaker, and engineer. Then perhaps a real famous person would latch onto one of my talents and keep me in the limelight a while longer.
3. If money were no object - I'm assuming that would mean I have all the money I would need to support whatever lifestyle I chose - I would live in as many places at different times of the year for a few years, and then choose my favorite place as "home".
4. I met Greg Howe once after the first Howe II album came out. I was dumbstruck and couldn't utter a word. I'd like a mulligan on that one. Lita Ford was fun to talk to. I though of something abstract, like meeting our Founding Fathers to find out what they think of their "creation", but that seemed morbid. So, in the end, an afternoon chat over tea with Elizabeth Taylor might prove to be very interesting and educational.
5. Upsies?