The Friday Five

Jax said:
1. What is the one outfit/piece of clothing/accessory you own that makes you feel incredibly good whenever you wear it? Why?
2. What do you do to make yourself feel better when you're in a funk?
3. Has anyone ever surprised you in a way that let you know you were special? How?
4. When you are having a "good day," how do you spread the happiness to others?
5. What is one thing that puts you in a bad mood, no matter how good you were previously feeling?

1. My green pants. I bought them right before my wedding when I had dropped some pounds. After I got back from the honeymoon, I couldn't fit into them again and now, six years later, I can finally fit into them again.
2. I'm in a funk right now. I tried coffee, but it didn't really work. B12 did ok. I need some sunlight, I think. I usually like to get out and do something athletic-related, but I haven't had the chance to do so for some time now.
3. I can't really think of an occasion. It's strange that it's hard for me to remember the times I've felt really good but requires very little thought to think of embarrassing gaffs or times I felt bad...
4. I just try to have a good time and not to let their bad moods bring me down.
5. Liberal politics and shitty drivers.
Jax said:
1. What is the one outfit/piece of clothing/accessory you own that makes you feel incredibly good whenever you wear it? Why?
2. What do you do to make yourself feel better when you're in a funk?
3. Has anyone ever surprised you in a way that let you know you were special? How?
4. When you are having a "good day," how do you spread the happiness to others?
5. What is one thing that puts you in a bad mood, no matter how good you were previously feeling?
1. My Flying V. It's just that sexy.

2. Usually, I spend a day alone in my basement, with just my laptop, drumset and guitar rig. That usually makes me feel better, and also gets shit done for my band. ('Tis how our latest song is n the brink of completion.)

3.Recently (within the past few months), there was THIS, and also, this chick in my school who's best friends with a girl who my singer is trying to set me up with, she told me she had a crush on me, and also said that I was very sexy in a mysterious way. I don't get that very much.... ever, so that gave my self esteem a little boost.

4. All their base are belong to me. Actually, I don't really try to spread the joy. I just like to talk about why I'm happy n' shit, and hope they actually care.

5. Either when I break a string, or when my keyboardist is having one of his poopypants days during band practice.
1. What is the one outfit/piece of clothing/accessory you own that makes you feel incredibly good whenever you wear it? Why?
My col0rz...

2. What do you do to make yourself feel better when you're in a funk?
Take a shower, I hate funk.

3. Has anyone ever surprised you in a way that let you know you were special? How?
Wife took me to Vegas for my birthday.

4. When you are having a "good day," how do you spread the happiness to others?
Try to make them laugh.

5. What is one thing that puts you in a bad mood, no matter how good you were previously feeling?
Wiggity wack home-boyz with bazooka exhaust and large Wing Spoilers.
1. What is the one outfit/piece of clothing/accessory you own that makes you feel incredibly good whenever you wear it? Why?

I own ONE custom tailored suit, that fits me like my own skin, unfortunately, It only gets worn on job interviews, funerals, and the occasional wedding...

2. What do you do to make yourself feel better when you're in a funk?

Haul my guitars and amp down to the basement and play until I can't play anymore. If that's not an option, I'll park my ass out on my porch and listen to some tunes...

3. Has anyone ever surprised you in a way that let you know you were special? How?

In the midst of a 2 year unemployment, 2 dear friends of mine assisted in helping me get to Prog Power, which has been my ONLY vacation each year since 2002....

4. When you are having a "good day," how do you spread the happiness to others?

Usually through humor....When I was a manager, I might give people part of the day off, with pay (if they deserved it!)

5. What is one thing that puts you in a bad mood, no matter how good you were previously feeling?

Getting arrested for defending myself, & discussing opposing political views with people who refuse to listen to FACTS, and rely on "spin"

J-Dub...those laws on self-defense are changing in some states. Hopefully what happened to you will be happening less and less...
Today's questions:

1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.
Jax said:
Today's questions:

1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.

1. I dunno. I've never really had the opportunity to do something brave.
2. All your base are belong to me.
3. It's not finished yet.
4. I jumped out of a moving car going 65 mph, for no reason whatsoever. It was the coolest experience of my life.
5. Somehow manage to find myself in the middle of an epic RPG-style quest. So RPG style, that I even do turn-based fighting. Aside from that, I dunno.
Jax said:
1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.
1. Become a pacifist. (Haha, brave?)
2. I cursed at my aunt when I was really mad. (Wasn't nice at all. :()
3. Give me 193$ so I can buy a new guitar and a multi-effects pedal. Notice how these weren't family members who did this. (My dad paid for half of my guitar, though, which was still great!)
4. I saw some guys driving up near the sidewalk once, they had Uzis in the front seat. I'M NOT KIDDING! IT SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME! I just walked on by... luckily they didn't see me. :erk:
5. Have a girlfriend, hahahahaha.
Jax said:
1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.

Wow, gotta think about these for a while.

1. As a teen, my buddies and I were drinking a Stroh's 30-pack in the parking lot of a church late one night. We were approached by two cops. I got up and walked over to the nice officers to start the conversation...
2. I told my sister she was adopted when we were kids. She is older than me, but I guess I sounded pretty convincing. She had lingering issues with that one.
3. My parents raised me well, helped me through college, and enabled me to stand on my own two feet as an adult.
4. My soccer squad in high school had a bench-clearing brawl with another high school. It was insane to see everybody flying around looking for somebody to punch. The whole match was pretty insane, really. Parents were coming down from the stand to square off with coaches and several incidents happened everywhere on the pitch unitl it finally culminated in the big brawl at the end. All of this instigated by a little shit wearing the number 2 jersey for the other school...
5. Get up on stage and play guitar. I'm very introverted, and to be in that situation has always freaked me out (which is why I've never done it) but has always been a desire for me to do. I guess you can call me Marty McFly on that one - afraid I'll screw up and everybody will laugh at me.
Jax said:
Today's questions:

1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.
1. I'm too selfish for such endeavours.
2. I totally insulted every girl in my class once cause they were being retarded valley girl stupid bitches.
3. I got piss drunk once and puked all over the house and pretty much passed out, then my best friend and girlfriend kindly cleaned up for me. (lol, suckers)
4. Bungee Jumped in Taupo, New Zealand off of a 150 foot cliff and touched the water on the bottom. Wicked-awesome.
5. Take singing lessons. I totally want to sing like Dio or Halford :rock:
Jax said:
Today's questions:

1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.

1. Brave as in courageous or stupid? If courageous i don't know.
2. I am only mean to people who cannot follow orders, give respect, or ditzes. Going to have to think about this one...
3. Not sure
4. My friend's brother jumped from the second floor of a mall to one of those little couch areas they have. It was sweet.
5. Save the world. As in slay a demon, stop the aliens, etc.
Jax said:
Today's questions:

1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.
1. Wow, this one really stumped me. I haven't done anything lifesaving or brave in the traditional sense.

2. I've said some pretty mean stuff to my sister which I feel bad about because she's a really great person.

3. Dropped what they were doing and came to visit me when I wasn't feeling well.

4. Witnessed: 9/11. Done: wander around strange lands by myself

5. Public speaking.
Jax said:
Today's questions:

1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.

1) Going into one of the WORST projects in Chicago 5 days a week to pick up medical samples

2) a)Physically - Kicking a guy in the balls as hard as I could, and giving 2 boots to the kidneys for dood measure

b) mentally - Removing the tire valve cores (all 4) of someone who parked too close, and dented my sports car. Taped the valve cores to the driver's window with a nsaty note.

3) Helping me out when I hit rock bottom

4) People cutting each other with broken flourescent light bulbs, and piling salt onto the wounds in the name of extreme wrestling...

5) Love ALL my fellow humans on this planet for 5 minutes

Jax said:
Today's questions:

1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.

glad to see your back safely jax:)
1. really.. nothing...
2.I try to be a nice guy but i recall one time when me and my friends. left some kid in miami and drove back home (1 1/2 hours away). He was being a total asshole though, and he ruined my practice amp the day before (on purpose).
3. taking my virginity:heh:
4. hmmm... to name one time of many crazy thing i have done, i ran away from the cops shit faced drunk... AND GOT AWAY!!!!:kickass:
5. live out in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere for a few months.
Jax said:
1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.

1. Hmm, nothing I would call extremely brave. Maybe later.
2. Messing mentally with my sisters and a neighbor when I was a kid, because I was having some problems at school.
3. My parents have been helping me out through my master's degree program, financially and moving me to a new place. All this while helping to support my sisters in school as well.
4. Before a football game once, these idiots were taking up more that one parking space, which I guess wasn't allowed. My aunt, who's small but tough, got right out of the car and started bitching out this big huge guy who was one of them. I was scared he was going to do something to her or us. But they kept arguing fiercely until the cops came with everyone watching, and broke it up. THAT was brave of my aunt.
5. Say things I REALLY feel to people, giving them the honest truth straight out.
1) What was the bravest thing you have ever done?
>>Depends on the context.
2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
>>When I was young and stupid I wouldn't answer the phone when my girlfriend called for 2 days because I was angry.
3) What's the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you?
>>Saved my life.
4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
>>In Switzerland, at the top of about 7000ft hill, a man walked over to the railing of the lookout area, assembled a hang glider from his backpack, and lept off. He barely cleared the cliffs.
5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.
>>Difficult to say, considering I perceive my character as representative of all the motives I have, so doing something surprising would be in character...