Last week's:
1. If you had the ability to legally change your name, would you? To what?
2. What do you with with change that you receive from banks/purchases/find on the ground?
3. Which do you use most, cash, check, atm/debit card, or credit card?
4. Would you rather live a safe, stable, moderately interesting life or one where every day was dangerous, volatile, and different?
5. What do you think you'll be remembered for when you die and, if you could, would you change it to something else?
1. Detective Clarence Beauregard, but it's taken. :sad: But other than that, I want my name to be legally changed to "Harris the Epic Bergsohn" because "the Epic" is so much more epic of a middle name than "Ian"
2. All the change I get goes into my Studio fund. A big 10 gallon tank of change that's being filled right now.
3. Depends on what I'm buying. Food and weed are cash, gear is card, really really big gear is spare change

4. Doesn't matter as long as I can make my music and smoke a little weed when I get stressed.
5. Harris The Epic: Master Warthog Gunner of Halo 3 Live
This week's:
1. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
2. If more than one, what's the biggest magnitude quake you've ever felt?
3. Have you ever had a tornado come close to where you were?
4. Ever been in a hurricane?
5. Has your home/town ever flooded in a storm?
1. I thought I did, but I was just really drunk and really high, and that's a really bad combination for me.
2. 0.
3. Yeah. Years ago a very small, but pretty strong water spout tore up a couple of houses 3 blocks closer to the water from my house. It cut my power, but my shit didn't get fucked up. It was awesome too, because it was the first time I'd ever seen a house with a tree sticking out upside down from a couple of bedroom windows.
4. Yes. When I was a baby, my parents dropped me on my head once, and that's what knocked the common sense out of my head and knocked the music into my head. That happened in a hurricane.
5. If you were on the forum when those floods and storms hit that almost swallowed Long Island, you saw the pictures of my basement AS IT WAS FILLING UP.