So that's five + bonus:
1) What is one piece of technology that you feel does more harm to people than good?
2) Ever had an experience of the supernatural variety you could not explain?
3) If you could make your perfect sandwich, what would be on it?
4) What should the penalty be for people driving slow in the left lane while talking on a cell phone? (everything from no punishment to waterboarding (and beyond) is fair game))
5)What are the last five beers you have truly enjoyed?
Bonus - Does your wife forcing you to play a golf tournament on her birthday make her the most awesome woman in the world?
1) One word: TV.
2) Depends on what you mean by 'supernatural'. I'm highly interested in the subject, but objectively speaking, I don't personally think there separately 'is' such a thing. IMO everything is pretty 'natural'. It's just our still-limited awareness and understanding of the way the universe works that causes us to think that nature is ONLY what we see/know.
To answer your question though I'd say plenty, the most recent one was when I was walking the street about a week ago when I (with no obvious reason) started thinking about someone I haven't seen/talked to/thought about in a couple of years, then after 2 minutes or so he was there, we actually met.
3) Mozzarella cheese, toasted sesame, panini, chicken, mayonnaise, whatever... I love sandwiches.
4) That would be one of those moments where I wish I was in a San Andreas sorta video game, cause that would let me do the punishing myself

Seriously, suspend that damn license of theirs.
5) I don't really enjoy beer.
Bonus - I'm not married nor do I play golf.