The fucking Dave Matthews Band

Fuck this shit. It's horrible. Stupid college-students-love-it, shitty-voice-havin', acoustic-guitar-playin', overrated shit. There are several people on my hall who think he's the greatest musician around... Okay, his backing band is okay, especially Tim Reynolds on that one album. Okay, so he has a ton of influences. Okay there is a fuckin' fiddle in some of his songs. Who gives a shit, really? THE SONGS SUCK! Is this stuffed supposed to be refined? Or the epitome of non-elitist singer/songwriter college-indie-music-no-talent bullshit? I'm going with the latter. When he sings, I swear he is grugling and pushing his chin as far down into his chest as he can. "What Would You Say" eats a big dick sandwich. I think college students think they're supposed to listen to Dave Matthews because it's part of the deal, along with a fake ID and morning breath. Either that, or most college students simply have no taste. Modest Mouse? What the fuck is that shit??? I was in a record store the other day and they were playing shitty college-music indie crap. I think they call it college-music because every white college-student can write, sing and perform it. John Mayer sucks. Whatever happened to the fuckin' Pixies? At least they were pretty good college music. Godalmighty... does Dave Matthews do enough fuckin covers? To all people who listen to DMB: YOU ARE NOT SOPHISTOCATED, NOR DO YOU HAVE GOOD TASTE IN MUSIC!!! Same thing goes with Coldplay. Listening to Radiohead also does not make you open-minded musically, although they are great. I'm sick of fuckers who think they can just stand on stage, gurgle some vocals with pretentious lyrics and get away with it without getting a car-key jammed in their urethra. The only people that are allowed to do that as far as I'm concerned are Bob Dylan and Neil Young. Dave Matthews thinks he's the next generation of said musicians. I just think he's the next generation of SUCK. People have no taste.
i don't know, but i rather enjoyed Under the Table and Dreaming .. that record smoked.
now DMB sounds more watered down and straight forward ... but that one particular release was killer.
Under the Table and Dreaming and Before These Crowded Streets are pretty stellar man, I dig them.

Also, Crush is one of my favorite love songs, I get all choked up like a little girl when I hear them shits.
I think DMB is actually good. Not one of my fave bands and not the greatest band EVAR as the fans say... but they're listenable.

Although I do agree with you about John Mayer and Modest Mouse. They're horrid.

@Jay: um... okay. BWD's cute but isn't my type...? :guh:
Go to They all hate John Mayer with a passion and want him to die, even photoshopping images of him to make things... interesting.
Why is a DMB site? Every time I see it I think of Led Zeppelin.
Rolling Stone love DMB so I will never check them out...

I hate those pretentious student types anyway. Come to think of it, I hate all ex-rockers who get old and limp-wristed and start listening to indie and think that this makes them open-minded (and thus 'cool') bordering on omnitopent. You're not cool, you just fagged out. Raaarrr.
Black Winter Day said:
Fuck this shit. It's horrible. Stupid college-students-love-it, shitty-voice-havin', acoustic-guitar-playin', overrated shit. There are several people on my hall who think he's the greatest musician around... Okay, his backing band is okay, especially Tim Reynolds on that one album. Okay, so he has a ton of influences. Okay there is a fuckin' fiddle in some of his songs. Who gives a shit, really? THE SONGS SUCK! Is this stuffed supposed to be refined? Or the epitome of non-elitist singer/songwriter college-indie-music-no-talent bullshit? I'm going with the latter. When he sings, I swear he is grugling and pushing his chin as far down into his chest as he can. "What Would You Say" eats a big dick sandwich. I think college students think they're supposed to listen to Dave Matthews because it's part of the deal, along with a fake ID and morning breath. Either that, or most college students simply have no taste. Modest Mouse? What the fuck is that shit??? I was in a record store the other day and they were playing shitty college-music indie crap. I think they call it college-music because every white college-student can write, sing and perform it. John Mayer sucks. Whatever happened to the fuckin' Pixies? At least they were pretty good college music. Godalmighty... does Dave Matthews do enough fuckin covers? To all people who listen to DMB: YOU ARE NOT SOPHISTOCATED, NOR DO YOU HAVE GOOD TASTE IN MUSIC!!! Same thing goes with Coldplay. Listening to Radiohead also does not make you open-minded musically, although they are great. I'm sick of fuckers who think they can just stand on stage, gurgle some vocals with pretentious lyrics and get away with it without getting a car-key jammed in their urethra. The only people that are allowed to do that as far as I'm concerned are Bob Dylan and Neil Young. Dave Matthews thinks he's the next generation of said musicians. I just think he's the next generation of SUCK. People have no taste.

And you are my new hero... you should come live here, there's a lot of hate for Dave Matthews in this town.
One of my roommates is really into all that stuff, so I get to hear my fair share of it. Dave Matthews actually had one CD that was pretty good, can't recall the title. It had a lot of cool instrumentation, especially with the drums and the string instruments. Other than that, I can't say I really care for his stuff, but he is better than most pop shit out there. The funny thing is my roommate also thinks he has really sophisticated taste in music, but another roommate and I laugh about it because we both know his music is pretty generic and unoriginal. Oh well, he's still one of my best friends.
I'll eat crow by saying that the last minute of this song kicks serious arse.

What do the college kiddies listen to in the year 2008?!
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Black Winter Day, I don't like The Dave Matthews Band but I disagree with you entirely. In fact, you seem like a moronic and jealous cunt. Wish I would have caught this thread back then. Is that fool still a poster even?