The fuckups on Orchid


Mar 16, 2004
I know this is old news, but anyway. Mike posted this on (session diary):" Another real fuck-up was the mastering! Half of the "Requiem" track had been cut off and jointed with the last track. "The apostle in triumph"! We weren´t present during the mastering so we couldn´t prevent it, but this is one of the things that still bugs me today!"

What do you guys think about this fuck up on Orchid? I think its a shame, that such a big mistake, could actually happen. Its like they did it on purpose, cause the cd was released in a blue coulor as well, when the guys wanted it to be black (which I think is cool actually hehe). I love Requiem, and I wish the other part of the song wasnt on The Apostle In Triumph. But its still an amazing record, no doubt about that. Whats your thoughts about this whole, Orchid fuck up? :erk:
Your not going to find many people on this forum talking about older material anymore.....*is sad*
It doesn't really matter to much to me as I like both songs this way. In fact I like this whole cd just the way it is and it is my definitely my favorite Opeth cd.
MasterOLightning said:
It's funny that the same mistake was made on the new album. I would prefer that it wasn't like that on Orchid, but what can you do?

It actually wasn't...if you listen to the CD on a CD player and NOT on your computer, Reverie actually starts in negative time, about a minute before Harlequin Forest. I think they meant it to be that way.
I am just suprised the record company did not correct the Apostle song on the reissue a few years back, talk about laziness.
I think Opeth are lucky both parts were in the same, or at least similar key.. that could have turned into a huge fukkup but it actually sounds quite nice, and I enjoy the opening to Apostle in Triumph immensely. Also it is possible to chop the tracks on the computer and fix them the way they should be, wrap your original Orchid up in plastic and put it away... then use the fixed CD-R burnt copy. :)
Heh, I actually like the "intro" to Apostle in Triumph a lot!

And I find the choise to make Reverie negative time very good - when I'm listening to the album, I get Reverie where it should be, but if I'm shuffling, it goes straight to Harlequin Forest, which is, undoubtedly, the better part of the song.

Funny about negative time though.. on Ghost Reveries it gets tacked to the previous song, while on Octavarium the intro of The Answer Lies Within is in track 2, not 1.
If you put the CD in the player and press play, and listen to it from beginning to end, as intended, you shouldn't even care, because it will play correctly.
A. Iverson said:
what are u talking about ??

When you rip the album to your computer, on the mp3s track 4 is Atonement+Reverie while track 5 is Harlequin Forest instead of track 4 being Atonement and track 5 being Reverie+Harlequin Forest as it should be.

But it was intentional on GR, and not a fuck-up, exactly.