The Funeral Portrait Live?

I want to paint my old dinning hall. I've heard it’s possible to paint over tiles using first a sort of primer allowing you to paint over them. I've done this in terms of the paint starting to peel off. Anyone ever used this or have any other tips for painting over old tiles? Any helpful thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.
I want to paint my old dinning hall. I've heard it’s possible to paint over tiles using first a sort of primer allowing you to paint over them. I've done this in terms of the paint starting to peel off. Anyone ever used this or have any other tips for painting over old tiles? Any helpful thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.

You should try cleaning up the tiles first.

edit:...Miten se liittyy tennikseen?
It's one of the most wanted live songs for me. I can't say that it's one of my favourites at all but I think that this song would slay live.
Fred just can't fuck up any solo - he's too fuckin good on guitar.

in my opinion he's a shredder who belongs in an arch enemy type band where over the top solo's are great and expected.
hopefully mike would steer him away from shredding.

The thing that i liked about peter's solos is that they were always kind of sloppy according to music theory, but they always fit the band and the moment in that song.

Sure fred can sweep and do all kinds of crazy tapping legato but is that really what you want from Opeth? thats what i want from necrophagist or arsis or something. Luckily he didn't go overboard on Watershed.

actually come to think of it i don't like his soloing on burden.
Fred just can't fuck up any solo - he's too fuckin good on guitar.
Actually after watching recent performances of Leper Affinity on youtube Fredrik fucks up Peter's little solo. It starts off good but then fucks it makin it sound like shit. But still he's awesome!!
As for The Funeral Portrait, anyone know where live footage can be found? I wanna see how good it was played live.
I like this song, specially the ending solos, but don't you think that Harlequin Forest is million times more "opeth rappresenting" than The Funeral Potrait?

They never played live that song and in my opinion is absolutely one of the BEST songs they ever made.
I'm still waiting mr. Mikael...:Smug: