Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
I will now say something so funny that I will become the world champion in funniness. Oh and I'll win this contest too, in the process.

Yngwie is messy and Jesper is God. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh you wished i would argue with you ... but i know you ... and i wont give you that pleasure ...
Originally posted by U[Sic]M
Fuck no! Can´t you tell by his nickname? He´s a total Helloween-fan, from top to bottom. He´s so totally stolen one of Helloween´s song titles.

No SHIT apeboy, but Helloween don't dress up and act like pirates. They sing fun songs about how wonderful the world is and how we should all be friends. You hear that Eagleboy? We should be FRIENDS, so stop dissing me!

I just thought that maybe he might like Running Wild part time, you know, on the side. Maybe he listens to Helloween by day and Running Wild by night. Must be tough to be a fan of TWO bands at the same time. I wonder how he fits in Children of Bodom into his schedule. Listening to THREE fucking bands is absolutely impossible.
Originally posted by inflamer
Oh you wished i would argue with you ... but i know you ... and i wont give you that pleasure ...

But let's pretend you did though, hehehe, what would say? That would be so funny! :lol: What would your arguments be? I know you too, believe it or not, so let me write a sample argument for you:

"MaN FuKk Uu WuT u KNoW? I GoNAN FUKk U n KiCK u ASSs n DeN fuKk MomM!!! YngWIe is jUSt SouLLeSsS waNK hEs PhaT he caNT WrIte a FUCkINg SOng theRSE iS aBSOltuELY NO FeELIng iN tATH miNDlesSS wANking, ITs iS EEEZzZzy T0 leARn to ShreD, BuT wRitINg SonGS n BeinG creATivE LIke JeSEPr is HArd; SUPPEPERRRR HARDD, LikE mY DicK WheN i FuKK mOMAA!!! MuSIK I nOT AbouT PlaYinG aT 589(003039595 BpM IdJuT!!! YnGWIe OBivoULSS doNT kNOW DAT HE NEdS LeSZZunS FroM JeSuPRER!!!!! LONG LIVE EZY LIZZENIN POP!!!!"

There, I just saved you some time.
Originally posted by asphyXy
have you two ever heard of not raping man-ass to degrees unmeasurable? i mean, being gay isn't tolerable in the first place. you're dragging it out too fucking much.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

sorry U[Sic]M a.k.a. Mattias of the Night, it's not that I don't like you or anything. it's just that asphyXy is funny, that's all :lol:
if anyone is really bothered by these antics they got some serious problems. the dt moderator didn't like it, and he's the mod, so they got what was coming to them. without a shitload of nonsense, these forums would be pretty lame and reduced to threads about midis and what your favorite HCD song is.

i mean, yeah, these guys are fucking gay and lying. i hope they all get struck by heterosexuality bolts and realize that being gay is gay. then they die for being gay in the first place. or they could just die gay.
>without a shitload of nonsense, these forums would be pretty lame and reduced to threads about midis and what your favorite HCD song is.

there's two kinds of nonsense: the one that actually cheers places up, and you three dickheads' kind of nonsense
guess which one i'd like to see gone
The latest batch of results are in, people!

Sic is, as always, in the lead. Obviously. No explanation needed, except that he´s Sic, and that automatically makes him the winner.

Mattias of the Night and inflamer are fighting over the second spot. Inflamer was indeed terribly funny when more or less stating that Jesper is better than Yngwie at guitarplaying and that Yngwie is messy whilst Jesper´s guitarplaying is flawless. Mattias was the first one there to point out the hilarity of this statement, even going so far as to take credit himself for it, which earned a demerit. However, seeing as how inflamer didn´t mean to be funny (a condition I went through in my very first post of this thread), and that Mattias redeemed himself by giving a most life-like imitation of inflamer in the form of an argument, Mattias is once again in second place.

Oh, and thebigyetti is out of the race too. I think you all know which post that disqualified him. So, no votes for him.

There has been much discontent lately. And with discontent I mean utter ANGER. I´m thinking of instating a new separate ANGRIEST PERSON-awards for this. This will probably chronicle WHO it is that´s so terribly mad with fury, and who it made the person so furious. Let me give you a sample of how it might look like:

EagleFlyFree was so so fantastically mad the other day.

Sic and Mattias enraged him to the point of madness, only by writing a couple of posts.

thebigyetti was so incredibly angry because of him not being moderator here.

Well, obviously Sic and Mattias, rubbing the fact in that thebigyetti ISN`T moderator, once again only by writing a few posts.

It´s a close call, but in the end EagleFlyFree takes first prize for MAD due to his inexplicable outburst of anger, and Sic takes first prize for MADDENER (however, he gives it to Mattias, to make him happy with joy).

So, that´s basically how it would look like. What do you think?
Originally posted by Dodens Grav recently
Soaps suck. This is funnier. I think Mattias is funnier though.

Originally posted by Dodens Grav a little earlier
I think Sic is the funniest entity here, and then Mattias. They actually make me laugh.

This will not do, Grave of Deathdude! That last one is SO obviously Mattias who´s come in control of your computer and written it. Very subtle indeed, dear Mattias, but not subtle enough for the superior intellect of SIC!